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Boy cheerleader gets arm broken by bullies

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  • #16
    Since I know no one else will say it, I'll say it, we need another, bigger, Columbine. I hate the thought that there will be innocent bystanders hurt as well, but this nation needs a wake-up call and people are so far in a coma that nothing short of a tragedy of massive proportions will snap them out of it.
    I don't really interact with you often, but I really hope that you don't mean that.

    Maybe you should take a few deep breaths and step away from the keyboard for a bit.

    Read some MLK, maybe?

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    -Martin Luther King Jr.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Amanita View Post
      ^story of my life right there! When I got picked on, it was always "my fault". Just ignore them, stay away from them. Because heaven only knows they're not going to escalate the abuse and harassment to unbearable levels when they get ignored, and they're not going to hunt you down and follow you when you try to avoid them.
      Exactly. If you walk away from bullies, just what is supposed to stop them from walking after you? It took me beating the living shit out of one of my bullies for the bullying to stop, and even then, I ended up being branded a troublemaker who kept getting into fights.
      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


      • #18
        "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness." -Bob Marley, as quoted by Robert Neville, I Am Legend


        • #19
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          Football is way more "gay" than cheerleading. Guys going around grabbing each other's asses.

          Whereas one, maybe two, maybe three guys surrounded by girls in short skirts. Oh, that's so gay.....not.
          Don't forget...this year's tight end is next year's wide receiver.


          • #20
            Oh I am so lucky I was done eating and drinking when I read that. I can't afford a new laptop right now.


            • #21
              Not to mention the fact that the boys all shower together afterwards.
              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                Oh, and for your information, the perpetrators of Columbine weren't the bullied loners the media has portrayed them as.
                What media were you watching?
                remember the parents of those boys received death threats after what happened-mainly because the media portrayed them as monsters-not "bullied kids fighting back"

                Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                Most school shooters don't fit this model, actually. So all that a "bigger Columbine" would do is lead to the death of innocent children. I certainly don't want that on my conscience.

                The FBI says
                there is no "model" or actual profile for who could be a school shooter-however The U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Education Department soon began studying school shooters. In 2002, researchers presented their first findings: School shooters, they said, followed no set profile, but most were depressed and felt persecuted.

                and here's a handy list of school shooters all 41 of them-all different ages all different motives
                Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post

                  this bothers me-why should the victim have to, in essence "hide", shouldn't the kids that attacked him 3 times maybe be dealt with? It is not the parent's job to keep her child safe while a school-that is the job of the school employees-who obviously did not do their job or take bullying seriously at all...and now a kid got hurt-I hate to say it but I hope she goes after the school for his medical bills....
                  Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                  Sadly, this is how it's always been. Sometimes, the school will even say crap like, "Maybe --- shouldn't make himself/herself a target" or "--- should just ignore the bullies", as if it's the victim's fault that they got bullied in the first place, and as tho it's up to the victim to make it so that the bullies won't target them.
                  Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                  Exactly. If you walk away from bullies, just what is supposed to stop them from walking after you? It took me beating the living shit out of one of my bullies for the bullying to stop, and even then, I ended up being branded a troublemaker who kept getting into fights.
                  Unfortunately, this is all too true.
                  "You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                    Wow...just wow. Does your hate know no bounds?
                    The bounds my hatred knows is that for several months after Columbine the school administration actually stood up against those who were tormenting me. They learned from the tragedy and we've now forgotten.
                    Do I want another Columbine? Of course not, that is not what I said. I said that I thought it may be needed.
                    I'm not a monster, I don't want to see more innocent blood shed, but at some point we have to ask if a few people in one horrific event is worse than the ever growing number of people that we allow to slip through the cracks because we just don't give a fuck.
                    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      Do I want another Columbine? Of course not, that is not what I said. I said that I thought it may be needed.
                      You're contradicting yourself. You don't want one...but you want one to "wake" up the school administrators.

                      And I see you completely ignored my argument against the justification of such a horrific request.


                      • #26
                        I think any male cheerleaders at my high school [as well as boys who were in "supposedly feminine" classes] made that point that hello, they were surrounded by girls, how is that gay? [Not that I think there's anything wrong with being gay. At all.]

                        I really, really vehemently disagree that there "needs to be another bigger Columbine." No. See, what I noticed happened after that aside from the tragic wake-up factor is schools basically persecuting those kids who were "different" as well as noticing the bullying. So, for example, if you dressed gothic, then the school would question you and assume that YOU must be a school shooter-to-be, too. That's not a good attitude to have increase...or have at all.

                        I was bullied...I was told by a girl in fifth grade almost every day that I was a fat, stupid, ugly freak of nature. Nobody gave a flying fuck. Other people just ignored me or called me names behind my front of the teacher(s). I didn't actually go to my parents because I was basically getting the same [only worse] at home, but at least the school is trying to do something once the parents got involved. They SHOULD HAVE stopped it before it got to the point of him having a broken arm.

                        But look at all the stories in the news recently about LGBTQ students who committed suicide because of a lot of those stories, the school blew off the students who were being bullied and their parents! Like it was "no big deal." So at least this school is maybe trying to do something and prevent something like that from happening.
                        "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                          You're contradicting yourself. You don't want one...but you want one to "wake" up the school administrators.

                          And I see you completely ignored my argument against the justification of such a horrific request.
                          Where exactly did I say I wanted another Columbine, show me where I said that (I have not edited any posts, so you can't claim I removed it).
                          I said that I wanted people to wake up and that unfortunately another Columbine event may be the only thing that will cause it. Forgive me for saying it, but if that truly is the cost we'd have to pay as a nation, I wouldn't mind paying it. If you think I'm a monster for saying that, keep in mind, if I thought my own death would save lives, that is a sacrifice I would make (as a military person you should understand that sentiment). This nation has had zero improvement in this area in the last decade. If you can think of a better wake-up call to America, I'm open, please, please tell me something that will be more effective and will actually have a lasting effect. I don't want to see any more innocent children hurt, but since I know that won't happen, I want to see the lowest possible number hurt.

                          If you don't believe me that what's happening isn't helping, consider this, there are people defending Rhavi and Wei for their actions against Tyler Clementi. They are saying that it was a harmless prank and that they should not be punished because it was Tyler who took it the wrong way. If 6 suicides in one week, one of which involved a felony offense (violation of privacy is a felony in NJ) and people still aren't waking up. So, just what will it take? What do you propose will work?
                          "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                            Since I know no one else will say it, I'll say it, we need another, bigger, Columbine.
                            Right there.

                            Forget semantics, that's a sick, sick wish, dude.
                            I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ladeeda View Post
                              Right there.

                              Forget semantics, that's a sick, sick wish, dude.
                              You know what's sick?
                              Sick is the fact that when I was 12, 4 boys tried to kill me and the school and police did NOTHING.
                              Sick is when a year later a boy in the grade above me tried to stab me with a pen and the school's response was "boys will be boys"
                              Sick is the fact that 6 innocent children lost their lives last week as a result of schools doing NOTHING to help them.
                              Sick is that most people don't give a fuck about those 6.
                              Sick is that to this day, I know if I'm attacked for who I am, I will have NO help, NONE, not a fucking shred... South Salt Lake PD has already shown how Salt Lake handles gay people being beaten... they find a way to say the gay person provoked the attack so the attacker gets off.
                              Sick is that if I accidentally stray over an unmarked property line, and the property owner doesn't like fags, they can legally beat me (the LDS church can be thanked for that nice case precedent).
                              Sick is that I have to keep who I am a secret on campus, because I don't know which of my classmates is going to screw me over on a group assignment just because they can, or which classmate may decide to try to implicate me in cheating, just because they can, or... well, you get the idea (Rutgers has shown quite eloquently that if a gay student isn't safe in a liberal campus in New Jersey there is no way in fuck that they are safe on a conservative one in Utah).
                              Sick is the fact that the only reason I haven't made a suicide attempt is that I haven't had the means... there has been at least 3 times where if I had the tools to do so, I would have attempted to end my life.
                              I know what these children are going through because I went through it myself, and I would be willing to pay any price if it meant that no one else had to go through it. Call that sick if you want, because from my point of view, being willing to sacrifice future generations of children just so we don't have to recognize that our society is fundamentally broken is about as sick as you can get. This illness that we as a society are suffering needs to end, and unfortunately, that probably won't happen until the fever peeks (my illnesses never get better until my fever spikes and then breaks). As I challenged Hobbs, and this will be an open challenge to anyone who cares to answer, find me something, anything that will cause this nation's fever to spike and get us to actually do something that doesn't involve further loss of life and I will embrace it in a heartbeat. These last 13 years since those 4 boys tried to kill me though tell me that nothing will help short of a devastating tragedy will wake us as a nation up. Please, I beg of you to prove me wrong. Sadly, I doubt anyone can.
                              "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                                Sick is the fact that the only reason I haven't made a suicide attempt is that I haven't had the means... there has been at least 3 times where if I had the tools to do so, I would have attempted to end my life.
                                Didn't have the means? There are countless ways to end your life at little to no cost to you. Belts, kitchen knives, heights, OTC pills, plastic bags, etc. Take it from someone who spent over a year looking for a reason NOT to kill himself. So were you looking to end your life or looking to martyr yourself? Did you want to be Jeremy and "speak" in front of class?

                                Regardless of what you may have experienced in your life, it does not in any way, shape, or form justify your comments that "we need another, bigger, Columbine."

                                You're not the only one persecuted in this country or even the world. I have the scars on my body to remind myself of the persecution and violence I've faced simply because my mother is of Mexican descent. It doesn't give me the right to say someone needs to kill a bunch of innocent people to "wake people up."

                                Do you know why? Because they'll go right back to sleep a few months later. The country will mourn and people will be outraged and then they'll go right back to doing what they did before. Assholes will continue to be assholes and victims will continue to be victims. The only thing that will stop that from happening is Armageddon.

                                Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.

