Originally posted by Plaidman
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But, yeah: I threw the comments of others about him being a rapist and/or only with her because she'd be easy together with yours in my post, sorry for that. I should have separated the different points I was making.
<Disclaimer: generalization inbound>
In the end, what I'm trying to say: we're talking about two teenagers here. Overly hormonal creatures with a notorious lack of common sense coupled with the conviction that they know better than anyone else. That's not exactly a mixture that sugggests "good judgement" there. And turning 18 doesn't magically turn a kid into a mature, sensible adult. Hell, not even turning 30 does that.
To quote a certain teenaged vampire slayer: "Of course I'm immature! I'm a teen! I've yet to mature!"
Or, the classic: "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained through stupidity!" The kid's 18; that makes him an idiot, but not necessarily an asshole.