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Troop Worship

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  • #16
    Well, you're a registered user and out of new user moderation - if it's still moderating you, let me know?

    Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
    Reclaiming words is fun!


    • #17
      I've never really understood that either. Most people I know in the military went there because they had nothing else to do - they weren't really college material (I hate that phrase but I don't know how else to explain it, and that's what most of them have said to me) and it was the military or a blue collar job for life. That and the recent issues with recruiting convicts and horrible treatment of sexual assault - I just don't get why people think a uniform magically transforms someone into a saint.


      • #18
        Originally posted by anriana View Post
        I just don't get why people think a uniform magically transforms someone into a saint.
        I read a veteran's blog and something she said in a recent post brings to mind a quote from her that I think is very apt (paraphrasing to the best of my memory here): "The military is as good as the people it employs. It takes a good person and makes them better. The reverse is also true." I think that's very true. Someone who is basically a decent human being will be made more resilient and compassionate by the structure the military can provide; someone who is prone to sociopathy will be made twice as dangerous and nasty (think people who think going into it is all about getting to shoot up The Bad Guys and pose looking all 'tough').
        ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


        • #19
          ITT to offer two book suggestions:

          On Combat and On Killing, by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.

          Excellent insight into the military that's accessible to civilians, even those like myself who are not particularly intrigued by the military. On Killing ended up in my collection of serial killer books despite the military focus not being what the collection is really for, and I bought the earlier book, On Combat, after enjoying On Killing.

          And I agree- the troop worship makes it impossible to raise hard questions. It's another "flag pin" issue to me. Other countries' leaders don't feel the need to decorate themselves in tiny flags or awareness ribbons- why ours? I can't help but feel flag pins and support our troops ribbons are commercialized patriotism substituting for true patriotism, which recognizes that often the best thing a citizen can do for a country is to question its government.


          • #20
            I do and don't agree with your statement about flag pins and ribbons, and I still say it call comes down to the motive behind it's enacting. Are you against the breast cancer ribbons too? Just curious. Anyways, for a lot of people, I'm sure seeing those yellow ribbons that say "Until They come Home", serves to remind a lot of people that there 140-160,000 people, 6 of them family/friends for me, fighting overseas in just Iraq, and that they're over there putting their lives on the line. I won't let this get into a debate about the war, that's another story.

            I see those ribbons to be no worse than the "Proud parent of a____" bumper stickers. Same with the "We will never forget"s and the "In memory of NYPD/FD" stickers and decals.

            The motive behind making them, however, seems too commercial to me. There are some groups though, who make them and sell them and take the proceeds and give them to families of dead soldiers or they give the proceeds to an organization to make care packages for troops.


            • #21
              I believe I'll break my Fratcing cherry here.

              So, I'm going to talk about what I know about local military past and present, meaning people I know and am related to.

              Dad: He was raised in a neglectful, alcoholic, abusive home where he was half kicked out from age 5-21 and made to live with friends or on the street. He did not have good "friends," my Mom was the only good thing in his life.

              He went in to try and straighten out his life. What he went into, being the Army, was a place where if you had alcohol to barter with, you could get away with anyting. He worked in the kitchens, got his G.E.D. and college cooking degree, and was stationed all over the world.

              He will commonly tell you about how if you had beer, you were golden to your superior officers, even if you were worked as hard as the other guys.

              Its disgusting that what is supposed to be the elite group of American fighters were really a bunch of whores and alcoholics who worked hard every day.

              He is in the Air Force. To pass into the Air Force, you have to run a certain distance under a certain time. He was given 15 chances in one month to pass it, and made it on the 13th.

              Same as back in my Dad's time. Alcohol is as good, if not better, than money.

              The Air Force group he's in is full of whoring and drunken rampages. Yeah, he is in Iraq for his 2nd run,too. Wonderful to know that even when they're over there fighting and such, they have time to waste my tax dollars on debauchery.

              Sister's Boyfriend
              He's in the Army, stationed in California right now, unless he is called to Iraq.

              They live on base, work for five hours a day, and then have orgies.

              (yes, Sister is still with him, but that's a different topic)

              Despite it being banned, he has a laptop with wireles connectivity, a cellphone on his person all day, an mp3 player, and a PSP.

              So, again, its a debauchery fest, but this time with more electronics.

              I agree that troops need entertainment to stay sane, but that's ridiculous.

              What you do with your money is fine, but why worship that?

              I love that they are celebrated for offering their lives and bodies to defend us in the States, and I agree they should be paid for being there. If they died during service, whatever they were paid is not enough for their life, imo.

              Would be nice if the hardcore obsesive civilians knew what they were <3ing so much.


              • #22
                I'm just staying out of this topic at this point. I'm out guys.

