Originally posted by tendomentis
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I do what I can in regards to helping out the environment. Beyond that, I'm not going to worry about things I have little to no control over. Where is it a sin to live one's life, so long as you're not bothering anybody? How does my taking birth control pills to regulate a fucked-up cycle (that can do a whole helluva lot worse if allowed to proceed 'naturally') harm the entire world at large, as opposed to something like leaving electric lights on or driving a fuel-sucking behemoth when there's no need to do so?
Hell will freeze over solid before I EVER give up something that's made a huge difference in my life for the better. If that makes me a rampaging selfish Evil Bitch, so be it. Unnecessary martyrdom is not something I personally aspire to.

Yes, I know them well, and NO I'm not going to take your "expert" word over their research.
Hell, there's a risk of blood clots associated with birth control pills. I'd be way more worried about that than cancer. And even the clot factor itself is low for those who don't have inherent risk factors (like smoking) - that's why it's prescribed for certain people and not others.
Of all the things in the world to worry about concerning the human species at large, any supposed cancer/birth control link is the LEAST of people's problems. If BC was that dangerous, it wouldn't have been around for as long as it has been.