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school:shorts are banned. male student: fine I'll wear a skirt!

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  • school:shorts are banned. male student: fine I'll wear a skirt!

    this kid is awesome!

    His school banned boy's wearing shorts during summer, but the uniform code allows them to wear skirts, So as a member of the student council-he organized a protest and wore a uniform skirt.
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

  • #2
    Wow, that school seems to have its head in the sand. Not wearing shorts during summer?
    The kid should be the one running the school, not the parents


    • #3
      If every man stopped wearing shorts and started wearing kilts, it would be a better world to live in.

      Seriously, you can get garments called "utilikilts" that are made for men and are made of good, sturdy canvas instead of wool or tartan.

      Good on the kid, I can't imagine not letting anyone wear shorts in the summer down here. In my town in particular, we're right between the mountains and the coast and the heat and humidity sweeps over us and just parks here for weeks on end. It's like being waterboarded with steam.

      I'm surprised that kid's skirt is big enough to cover his clearly enormous, blanking, titanium plated balls. That's a kid who is secure in the knowledge than nobody, and I do mean nobody, is going to fuck with him.


      • #4
        Any time I see a school getting in a huff about someone wearing shorts or god forbid a BASEBALL CAP!!!!!!11!111!!! my first thought is "these people obviously don't have enough to do."


        • #5
          Eh, hats are a respect issue. Not exactly why it every started, but it's disrespectful to wear them inside. I can't even where sunglasses on top of my head inside the DFAC.

          But shorts? It's the summer. It's hot as balls. And it's SCHOOL. Not some professional workplace, a wedding, a funeral, etc.
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #6
            Okay, the rule is ridiculous, but I'd like to say a couple of things:

            1) Hot doesn't equal a need for shorts. It gets hotter than the devil's crotch on a Sunday back where I grew up, and every guy I know there wears jeans. Even the farmers who work outside all the time wear jeans or long pants. Part of that is just plain common sense (walk through a cotton field or, even better, a milo field in shorts and see what I mean.) Add in working with chemicals, sharp things, and, oh yeah, snakes every-freaking-where, and shorts and sandals are a terrible idea. If the kid's in school then, he's inside most of the time so...yeah.

            2) I'm so over guys in kilts. Especially utilikilts. But that's a personal preference thing. Some people like long hair on guys, I just get an irresistible urge to grab some scissors.

            So, the rule is ridiculous. But it's ridiculous because it's...ridiculous. And because it's borderline gender discriminatory to allow girls to wear skirts, but forbid boys from wearing shorts. But the "it's hot" argument just doesn't fly with me.


            • #7
              Well, whatever you justify it with, allowing half the students to go barelegged while at the same time forbidding the other half to go barelegged is gender discrimination. And really, it does boil down to comfort.

              Yeah, I can wear jeans during a heat wave, too, but I am not comfortable doing it. In fact, I am utterly miserable. And I am acclimated to heat, too. Having garments sticking to my legs as I walk is awful.

              So that's a valid argument. And even if it wasn't, discrimination IS a valid argument.


              • #8
                Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                1) Hot doesn't equal a need for shorts. It gets hotter than the devil's crotch on a Sunday back where I grew up, and every guy I know there wears jeans. Even the farmers who work outside all the time wear jeans or long pants. Part of that is just plain common sense (walk through a cotton field or, even better, a milo field in shorts and see what I mean.) Add in working with chemicals, sharp things, and, oh yeah, snakes every-freaking-where, and shorts and sandals are a terrible idea. If the kid's in school then, he's inside most of the time so...yeah.
                So are they wearing pants for shits and giggles or out of necessity?

                I wear pants to work even though it's hot as hell out already. Do I do it for fun? Hell no, I do it so I don't splash explosives/acids/carcinogenic chemicals on my legs. You bet your ass I'm wearing shorts the second I'm out of there. It's a matter of comfort. If you want me to sit still, not get distracted, and not be disrupting in class, I just ask to be comfortable.
                Last edited by Greenday; 05-10-2011, 03:19 PM.
                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                • #9
                  Technically, it's not discriminatory, because the kid is allowed to wear the uniform skirt.

                  But to not have a shorts option as well, is an issue. If one were to make the shorts the same length as the skirts and to have them slightly loose-fitting, they'd be essentially equal.

                  I can't imagine what sort of discussion goes on behind banning shorts.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Skirts are not the female equivalent of shorts. Skirts are generally considered more formal than pants for women. Shorts are extremely informal as clothing goes. Maybe their dress code is based on "class", not on comfort. I've seen dumber dress codes.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                      So are they wearing pants for shits and giggles or out of necessity?
                      Out of necessity while working, for shits and giggles otherwise. I can count on one hand the number of times that I've seen my father wear shorts, and they've all been while we were on vacation. That's pretty much standard among all the other guys (younger and older) back there. Hell, I don't even wear shorts much, because I don't like how my legs look, and I don't wear skirts because I hate the feeling of my legs sticking together.

                      I'm not saying that the rule isn't stupid. I'm saying that the rule is stupid beyond, "It's hot in summer, yo."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                        If every man stopped wearing shorts and started wearing kilts, it would be a better world to live in.
                        Damn straight!

                        I applaud this kid. He's standing up for what he believes in, and is trying to get a stupid rule changed. Plus, he's doing it in a clever and funny way, rather than just bitching and moaning about it, and/or causing trouble for everyone. More kids should be like him.

                        Some people just can't handle hot weather very well, and like to dress lightly in the warmer months to be more comfortable, so I can see why they'd want to wear shorts instead of dress pants. In my case, while I may live in my jeans year-round, I do like being able to wear shorts if the day is particularly hot (warm weather just kills me...)

                        Some places do have uniform shorts for their students to wear during the warmer months. There's no reason for this school not to do the same thing. It's certainly a lot easier to concentrate in class and learn when you're not feeling like you're melting from the heat.
                        "He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe. And...he's wonderful." - Timothy Lattimer on the Doctor


                        • #13
                          School districts must not have that many issues to deal with if they're so worried about what kids wear.

                          I've said it before and I'll say it again, these school board people need to lighten the fuck up.


                          • #14
                            Ah, well, dress code is a lot easier to deal with than dropout rates, bullying, and teen pregnancy.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                              But shorts? It's the summer. It's hot as balls. And it's SCHOOL. Not some professional workplace, a wedding, a funeral, etc.
                              Who says a wedding can't be clothing optional and my brother want's the motorcycle hearse he saw on yahoo news when hes out for the count, so I doubt formal wear will be in effect
                              Myself I just want the 'overseer' to just say "he's dead lets burn him" perferably on a punt during bumps week.

                              Everyone bar the women in the office wears trousers at work (mind you skirts are a rareity there too), due to the fact that we have a unisex white uniform, well trousers are unisex, you can't wear a skirt underneath without it being bunched up top.
                              I work in a giant fridge and in the winter all the good coats are in use in the room temperature (well every room is room temperature) area's as no one thinks of wearing something warm UNDER the uniform, so I'm in 3 degrees C (at one point for 12 hours a day) with some shitty body warmer.
                              in summer I wear 112 tops and winter 116/124 which ever is available and a hoodie underneath, hell I found fishnet's to be good at keeping my legs warm after I went to work in em the day after a Rocky Horror night.

                              It's bliss in summer though so it pays off, everyone is roasting and im in the fridge 'warm' even though its still 3 degrees not bothering with a coat and sometimes sans tshirt under my uniform.

