As usual I'm late to the party. I don't comment on threads much at all, but this one I feel the need to add my thoughts to, so take them as you will.
There have been two times in my life in which I felt the need to have a weapon of some sort in order to defend myself. In the first situation I had no such weapon, if I had I know the outcome would have been different, although no one would have died, I'm certain of that fact. I was too young and weak to have taken it to that level, but I would have put up one hell of a fight.
**Warning, not for the faint of heart**
The other was a situation in which I was held against my will by two men for a period of 14 hours. Considering that I'm a woman, not much more needs to be said there, I'm sure you get the idea. There were 'weapons' all around me, but I didn't have the means to get to them or use them, or I most certainly would have. When I finally freed myself, my instinct was to run, not fight. And I did...I ran like I'd never run before. However, I was outrun and was soon faced with the fight again, but this time I had my weapon. I was behind the wheel of a 2 ton weapon, and without reservation I gunned it and mowed one of them down. It was fight or flight, and flight didn't work so I was left to fight for my life. Some people are shocked by the fact that I would intentionally run over someone with a car, and just after it happened I was too. However, it goes back to the fundamental argument, whose life is more valuable? Mine or his? Mine, always mine. I knew it was either him or me, and I wasn't going out like that, so I made my choice to put him down for good.
He didn't die, and I'm glad for that. He's living a far worse life now in prison, although he'll have permanent injuries from my actions. I, too, suffer permanent damage from what they did, and almost went to prison myself. The law is a tricky thing when it comes to self-defense, there's a very fine line between 'heat of the moment' actions and pre-meditated. I was very fortunate that the law was on my side for this one, it was a close call for a long time.
Do I feel bad for what I did? No. I never have and I never will. I could have easily taken another person's life but I will never regret the choice I made, because otherwise I know I wouldn't be here today.
I do believe that we have the right to defend ourselves using whatever means necessary. My stance on that will never change, based on personal experience and the experiences of those around me.
Sorry to cast a darker tone on the thread, but this topic strikes a nerve in me in a big way. And for those who think these types of things are far fetched or don't happen in 'normal' life, take it from me that they do. I will never again in my life be unprotected from violence, and would do it all over again if I had to. My life is far too valuable, and those who seek out to bring harm to me will regret it.
*Hmm...way to scare the shit out of everyone in your first major post Jules...*
I'm not this intense usually, but again, this runs deep in me.
There have been two times in my life in which I felt the need to have a weapon of some sort in order to defend myself. In the first situation I had no such weapon, if I had I know the outcome would have been different, although no one would have died, I'm certain of that fact. I was too young and weak to have taken it to that level, but I would have put up one hell of a fight.
**Warning, not for the faint of heart**
The other was a situation in which I was held against my will by two men for a period of 14 hours. Considering that I'm a woman, not much more needs to be said there, I'm sure you get the idea. There were 'weapons' all around me, but I didn't have the means to get to them or use them, or I most certainly would have. When I finally freed myself, my instinct was to run, not fight. And I did...I ran like I'd never run before. However, I was outrun and was soon faced with the fight again, but this time I had my weapon. I was behind the wheel of a 2 ton weapon, and without reservation I gunned it and mowed one of them down. It was fight or flight, and flight didn't work so I was left to fight for my life. Some people are shocked by the fact that I would intentionally run over someone with a car, and just after it happened I was too. However, it goes back to the fundamental argument, whose life is more valuable? Mine or his? Mine, always mine. I knew it was either him or me, and I wasn't going out like that, so I made my choice to put him down for good.
He didn't die, and I'm glad for that. He's living a far worse life now in prison, although he'll have permanent injuries from my actions. I, too, suffer permanent damage from what they did, and almost went to prison myself. The law is a tricky thing when it comes to self-defense, there's a very fine line between 'heat of the moment' actions and pre-meditated. I was very fortunate that the law was on my side for this one, it was a close call for a long time.
Do I feel bad for what I did? No. I never have and I never will. I could have easily taken another person's life but I will never regret the choice I made, because otherwise I know I wouldn't be here today.
I do believe that we have the right to defend ourselves using whatever means necessary. My stance on that will never change, based on personal experience and the experiences of those around me.
Sorry to cast a darker tone on the thread, but this topic strikes a nerve in me in a big way. And for those who think these types of things are far fetched or don't happen in 'normal' life, take it from me that they do. I will never again in my life be unprotected from violence, and would do it all over again if I had to. My life is far too valuable, and those who seek out to bring harm to me will regret it.
*Hmm...way to scare the shit out of everyone in your first major post Jules...*