Wouldn't it be *more* important to get outside quick if the fire alarm is going off when there's NOT a drill scheduled than when there is?
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Stop cpr now
We have monthly sound tests for various alarms in the building. The main one, being fire, obviously.
One night, the PA system wasn't working, and the fire alarm went off.
We hadn't been informed of a drill, and even though everyone stood there for a second like "Uh buh?", someone finally said "Guys! OUT!" and we all took off our gloves and started leaving.
Shift Lead came running, screaming at us to get back inside, it was a SOUND TEST, we need to get back to work!
Funny, the room she had been in, the PA system worked and she'd heard it was a drill. I think she got paranoid and thought we were looking for an excuse out of work, or she must have thought we were too stupid to hear, since it took all of us repeatedly saying we DIDN'T HEAR that it was a test, for her to finally believe us.
Oh, and last year, when we were busier than Hell, they wanted volunteers to stay in the area and work during our bi-annual actual fire drill where we evacuate and are TIMED on how quick we get out, if we aren't all out in x minutes, OSHA gets informed.
I don't know if OSHA was informed, I hope they were, because there were a small group of people who were told they had to stay inside during the drill because we couldn't lose production.
It's always been a running joke at work that if half the building were on fire, they'd force everyone over to the other side to keep working going.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostI remember someone telling me about a Walmart which was on fire... and people were STILL trying to go inside. -.- The stupid, it hurts.
As for the AED being in a locked room . . . that may be an OSHA violation.
If there is indeed a Hell, then that moronic supervisor's punishment will be to suffer an endless heart attack, surrounded by "employees" who are told to continue "working" by the devil of a supervisor.Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.
Originally posted by Panacea View PostIIRC, it wasn't a fire but a trampling. Black Friday, a couple of years ago."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
I can't recall typing this up on this site or not, but I'm willing to waste my time typing it all up again vs searching first and posting a link
Local lesure complex had a kitchen fire in the chineese restraunt whilst I was watching Skeleton Key (dates the time kinda) the film stopped and the PA was looping an emergency exit warning, I was at the back of the cinema so waited for everyone to ahem calmly leave before I could, one woman rushed through the aisle she was on and then fell rolling into a few people already slowly trudging down as they got held up by the row infront, seriously the back rows were trying to leave first and bottle necked into the mid and front sections.
IIR I was the only one to leave by the emergency exit, as I was waiting to get up I saw 2 or 3 early 20's women at the emergency exit, but a friend called them over to the choke point entrance to the room. Outside in the stairwell I saw dozzens of parents escorting their children from Charly and the Chocolate factory, so atleast survivor instinct was working on most Cambridge parents that day.
I exit from the back and go to the front area and see hundreds of people trudging slowly like the workers in metropolis down two escalators, sure they might have had room to move in the wide corridors and the foyer, but FFS, two escalators, I'm surprised no one got shoved over the side in panic, well I guess if flames were visible, yes some one would have.
But why did all but I leave via the front door of our screen? Yes it's the way you came in, but ffs it's an emergency and their is an emergency exit.
It gets better at work, we have quite a few goods in/out doors that are also emergency exits, yet when we have alarms, most even when near one, will go out via the staff entrance, picking up a smoking coat along the way, thus slowing down the flow as they are behind the door so they will fully shut the door and get a coat.
For smoke breaks a smoking coat is required, or for any staff leaving the building whilst still in uniform, but during an alarm, fuck that shit, we've been told NOT to bother as it just slows you down.
I've only ever experienced false alarms and fire drills at our place but, one time the alarm went off and I managed to corral most of the staff to the loading bay exit for a change, not a fire marshal or owt, I just knew it was quicker for all of us to go out this way than risk the bottle neck of the staff entrance.
One woman of eastern european origin with bad english was mopping the floor oblivious to the shrill alarm, I told her to get out as it was a fire alarm, she continued mopping agast at all the people walking over her newly cleaned floor.
We were all out side heading for the assembly point and I had already asked one other Polish guy to tell her in his language to get out (thinking she like all other new employees spoke Polish).
Roll call comes and she's not there, her sister is sent to retrieve her and yes she was still mopping the floor with the alarm going full blast.
There is also one guy I'm really beginning to hate working with (thankfully I've been off on Anual leave for just over a week so he's not been an issue, but one day there were going to be 4 of us in the room as we had a new worker being trained up to do the evening pick, she and other co worker were doing the normal task the other two get assigned, this guy instead of helping them or elsewhere, seemed to be just dicking around (not beeing a fool just I never saw him do anything just idle from A-B)
Once a desert trolly came in (quite large and can block most of the loading bay door) he, although not meant to be in here just yet as there was fuck all for one person to do let alone 2, pushed the trolly into the door way even though the room was damn near empty and where I put it was out of the way.
He shuts the door and within seconds, someone on the other side opened it, swore in Polish and I had to move it so she could get out with a rack of boxes.
He knows someone works in there till 5
He knows that someone is going to be moving these racks in and out around this time
He should know that is also our emergency exit
Yet he willfully blocked it for no real god damn reason save for its where he always puts it when he comes in around 1-2pm and this was not even noon.
Fucking idiot
Originally posted by AdminAssistant View PostIf you ever have an employer who forces you to stay inside during a fire alarm, report them to the fire marshall. That's endangerment and is illegal.
God that place was a circus. >.>
Originally posted by Boozy View PostI'm about to make a sweeping generalization here based on my personal experiences in call centres from 15 years ago -- call centre supervisors are zombies. Without fail, the supervisors in a call centre are the dumbest fucks in the room. They've been promoted because they've swallowed all the corporate bullshit and asked for more.
I think what I find the most disturbing about this whole affair is not so much the idea that one very stupid, amoral, and unethical person in a management position made a decision illustrating all of these lovely traits (because let's face it, these people are out there and their name is Legion), but that someone who knew better and was doing the right and decent thing actually complied when given such a bankrupt order.
I mean,? That person presumably knew better. If that person had gone through CPR training, then that person more than likely knew he wasn't going to get sued no matter what.
Why did that person decide to comply when given an order to let someone die?
THAT is even more disturbing to me.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostI remember someone telling me about a Walmart which was on fire... and people were STILL trying to go inside. -.- The stupid, it hurts.
I fail to see a problem? Let the dumb fucks die. The more horrible, the better. It might encourage others to knock off the dumb-fuckiness.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostSadly, it's not something you can do in this day and age.
Unless maybe they were made to sign a waiver form before they entered the burning building... XD
I have no words for this at all.....that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Keep working drones no matter what! It's like the Borg or something.https://www.youtube.com/user/HedgeTV
Great YouTube channel check it out!