Originally posted by tropicsgoddess
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I've also heard all the excuses -- "I'm big boned," "it runs in the family," etc. Give me a break. Unless you have a health condition, there's nobody to blame for being overweight but yourself. I have a bit of a "spare tire" myself. Do I go around complaining about how I sit around all day at work? Do I bitch about what I eat? I like my food as well. I try not to eat in excess, but when you consider that my grandmother's cooking kicks ass, it's difficult

With all that said, I've been making an effort to change things. I try to hit the gym (difficult while trying to get the yard into shape), and I've been eating things that are better for me. Sure, I have a cookie with dinner, but that's it.
What annoys me about the gym, are some of the people there. Particularly two somewhat-overweight ladies. These two usually arrive after I do...don't work out at all, and then spend several hours bitching about how "heavy" they are

However, I give mad props to those who have decided that they *want* to change. For example, at the same gym, there's a woman...who previously looked like she'd eaten a VW Bug. Seriously. 2 years on, most of the weight is gone now.