OK, Kinda political, kinda social problem, kinda keeping back beating sense into people, but what is with the idiots who smoke while pregnant... It's something that I'm seeing more and more often now, do these people not understand what harm they could be doing. I was reminded of this topic over on CS, specifically with
oh, those people piss me off to know end. I had a friend growing up who's mother did that too him (his birth mother, not the kindly lady who adopted and raised him). Am I wrong to think that these people are the greatest scum on the earth, only slightly better than rapists and murderers... but in those cases at least their victim has a chance to fight back and defend themselves... these women who are too lazy to quit smoking while pregnant are doing harm to a defenseless life at best for no other reason than because it is hard not to, at worst because they are like the person scruff was talking about.
sorry, had to vent about that after reading that on CS.
Originally posted by scruff
sorry, had to vent about that after reading that on CS.