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Can making an odservation make you racist/sext/whatever....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by HEMI6point1 View Post
    First off, much of South Florida is white (until you start getting down to Miami.... then it's basically North Cuba LOL). However, many of the caucasian women down here are attracted to members of the Latino (Porto Rican) and African American persuasion. Don't know why, it's just the way it is.

    . . .

    Plus, on another side note a lot more women smoke down here than I have ever seen when I was in NY. It kinda leaves a non-smoking white guy like me feel a bit.... left out.
    My grandma thinks the white women started to seriously chase after the black guys when Obama became president.

    Granted, there are more white women hooking up with black guys nowadays, as well as more people from other ethnicities hooking up with members of other ethnic persuasions, but I doubt Obama has anything to do with it. Generations X and Y simply don't think crossing racial lines when dating is that big of a deal.

    As for the smoking thing, I've noticed more than a few young women here in Ohio smoking, too. Personally, I can deal with a partner who smokes, but I would rather she be a nonsmoker.


    • #32
      Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
      My grandma thinks the white women started to seriously chase after the black guys when Obama became president.

      Granted, there are more white women hooking up with black guys nowadays, as well as more people from other ethnicities hooking up with members of other ethnic persuasions, but I doubt Obama has anything to do with it. Generations X and Y simply don't think crossing racial lines when dating is that big of a deal.

      As for the smoking thing, I've noticed more than a few young women here in Ohio smoking, too. Personally, I can deal with a partner who smokes, but I would rather she be a nonsmoker.
      Interracial couples are as old as time itself. I have a childhood friend, who is white, who is married to a black woman. I thought nothing of it myself, but the subject came up in conversation because his parents disowned him for it. My friend simply said, "I couldn't help it. I'm not attracted to white women. I like black girls."

      If we're seeing more inter racial couples now, it's likely because more couples are being open about their relationships, rather than keeping a low profile to avoid harassment, and because laws forbidding such relationships have been repealed. I agree, Gen X and Gen Y simply don't think it's a big deal . . . and it's not (disclosure: I'm Gen X).

      Smoking is a non-starter for me. I won't date a guy who smokes, even if he doesn't smoke around me. It's very hard to conceal the smell, and if the relationship went somewhere I'd have to deal with the other issues involved with living with a smoker. No thanks.
      Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Panacea View Post
        This vlogger doesn't know this actress or anything about her. To even ask that question is offensive; it implies that only ugly women are lesbian, which is not true at all. It also implies that there must be something wrong with a woman if she is a lesbian. The talk show host in question (Ellen Degeneres, I'm assuming) is not an ugly woman. She simply does not choose to highlight herself in such a way as to make herself "drop dead gorgeous" because that's not her desire.
        Actually it's not. I was referring to Rosie O'Donnell. And to be honest, I like Ellen. Not so much for Rosie though....


        Originally posted by Panacea View Post
        Because the issue of race isn't germane to the issue of "do donks look stupid." It doesn't matter who is driving the car. It only matters what the car looks like. When that poster chose to bring race into the subject, he made a racist comment. If the forum is moderated, the moderator has the right to make the OP fix the comment. Race doesn't need to be injected into the observation, so yes . . . this guy is being racist with his comment.
        The guy may not have been politically correct, but he had a point: I drove past one of those "custom shops" that are responsible for installing those crappy wheels on cars. I also found some videos of their "creations" (Note for these people: Your 1978 Caprice with 28's is not a creation. It just looks dumb). Not a single white person to be found. Maybe it's just a Florida thing?


        Originally posted by Panacea View Post
        It's a racist statement because again, there was NO need to inject race into the conversation. Quite frankly, I think you need to re-evaluate your approach to women if you are having a hard time finding a date. Did it not occur to you that the problem might be YOU?
        Actually, when someone makes an observation like that you pretty much have no choice BUT to inject race into it, otherwise people won't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

        And TBH, I really didn't see the need to hurl a thinly-veiled insult at me. I know you're thinking "If he's complaining about women choosing other men it means he can't get any," but in reality there's a lot of fish in the sea.
        AKA sld72382 on customerssuck.


        • #34
          Originally posted by HEMI6point1 View Post
          Actually it's not. I was referring to Rosie O'Donnell. And to be honest, I like Ellen. Not so much for Rosie though....
          Fair enough. I don't think Rosie's ugly, either, at least not physically (I don't care for her personality; I find her abrasive). But physical attractiveness is rather subjective.

          Originally posted by HEMI6point1 View Post
          The guy may not have been politically correct, but he had a point: I drove past one of those "custom shops" that are responsible for installing those crappy wheels on cars. I also found some videos of their "creations" (Note for these people: Your 1978 Caprice with 28's is not a creation. It just looks dumb). Not a single white person to be found. Maybe it's just a Florida thing?
          He did not have a point. Race has absolutely nothing to do with the aesthetics of a motor vehicle (which, btw, I also find to be pretty ugly, but again, that's subjective). Even if I accepted the argument that every donk was owned by a black guy (which I don't, but it doesn't matter), it still has nothing to do with the car itself. Injecting the race of the owner into the evaluation of the car turns it into a racial thing, hence making the commenter racist.

          Comment on the color of the car, the height of the vehicle, the drivability, safety, whatever. But the owner has nothing to do with the aesthetics of a car.

          Originally posted by HEMI6point1 View Post
          Actually, when someone makes an observation like that you pretty much have no choice BUT to inject race into it, otherwise people won't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
          Nonsense. The observation was nothing more than an excuse to divert attention from the fact you're having trouble getting a date. Even your own friend called you on it, by your own admission.

          Originally posted by HEMI6point1 View Post
          And TBH, I really didn't see the need to hurl a thinly-veiled insult at me. I know you're thinking "If he's complaining about women choosing other men it means he can't get any," but in reality there's a lot of fish in the sea.
          It wasn't an insult, it was an observation, though there was nothing thinly-veiled about it. I came right out and said it. You made a racist comment to excuse your own shortcomings rather than look inward.

          If there were really so many fish in the sea, and that's what you believed, then you wouldn't have made that kind of comment in the first place.

          And you didn't answer the question: have you ever seriously considered that the problem might be YOU?

          Based on your response, I'd say the answer is no.
          Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


          • #35
            Just a comment on the title:

            No, making an observation won't make you Xist. It can, however, expose whatever bigotry you're trying to excuse behind your comments being "just an observation."

            (generic 'you')

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #36
              Meh, I'm a racist for saying mostly black people and white wanna-be black people bought Newport cigarettes at the gas station I worked at.


              • #37
                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                Meh, I'm a racist for saying mostly black people and white wanna-be black people bought Newport cigarettes at the gas station I worked at.
                Similar to my experiences but I also found other white kids who want to be different smoked them instead of marlboros.
                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                • #38
                  According to some on CS, it's apparently racist if you casually point out an SC's ethnicity. For example, if you say, "Boy, that black lady who came through my checkout line was a real bitch!" then apparently you're a racist.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                    According to some on CS, it's apparently racist if you casually point out an SC's ethnicity. For example, if you say, "Boy, that black lady who came through my checkout line was a real bitch!" then apparently you're a racist.
                    I hate that. It is giving a setting. Sorry, but when I read stories, I like to picture them in my head and I can't do that if the only description I get is "woman".
                    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                      mostly black people [snip] bought Newport cigarettes at the gas station I worked at.
                      This, in my opinion, is just an observation without racism attached.


                      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                      white wanna-be black people bought Newport cigarettes at the gas station I worked at.
                      could be interpreted as racist because now you have attributed certain features to black people other than their skin color. Not only that, but it has a kind of negative connotation to it.

                      Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                      According to some on CS, it's apparently racist if you casually point out an SC's ethnicity. For example, if you say, "Boy, that black lady who came through my checkout line was a real bitch!" then apparently you're a racist.
                      Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                      I hate that. It is giving a setting. Sorry, but when I read stories, I like to picture them in my head and I can't do that if the only description I get is "woman".
                      Well, as long as you insist that the race of every single person is explicitly given, I don't see a problem with that.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Lachrymose View Post
                        Well, as long as you insist that the race of every single person is explicitly given, I don't see a problem with that.
                        Excellent point. No one who wants the right to tell us all when someone is black ever bothers to mention when someone is white.

                        The only time race is mentioned in anecdotes is when it is "other" than the storyteller's own. "Othering" is a subtle form of racism that is prevalent in our society.

                        Before someone gets offended, I'm not saying everyone who does this is a bad person. I'm just saying they're a product of a society that still separates people by race.
                        Last edited by Boozy; 12-31-2011, 10:39 AM.


                        • #42
                          And for full disclosure, I've been guilty of that as well.

                          About ten years ago, my ex introduced me to a friend of hers that she'd talked about for a long time.

                          After he left, I commented to her, "You didn't tell me he was black!"

                          Looking back on that...I just... what the hell?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Lachrymose View Post
                            And for full disclosure, I've been guilty of that as well.
                            So have I. Everyone has.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lachrymose View Post
                              And for full disclosure, I've been guilty of that as well.

                              About ten years ago, my ex introduced me to a friend of hers that she'd talked about for a long time.

                              After he left, I commented to her, "You didn't tell me he was black!"

                              Looking back on that...I just... what the hell?
                              I had a similar experience but the other way around. My mom asked me to describe my friend coming over and I did, except I left out one major part: he's black. My neighborhood is around 92-93% white. After that, the rest of the population is Asian and a few black people. After he left my mom was like, "When I asked you to describe him, the first thing you said was 'short'?" She didn't care, she just thought it was funny that of everything to use to describe him, race never even crossed my mind. We like to think it's a good thing though.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                              • #45
                                I also want to add, as you sort of did as well, Boozy, that making a racist statement and being a racist are not necessarily mutually inclusive.

                                I wouldn't call anyone who posted in this thread a racist (at least not without knowing more about them). I will call many statements made within racist.
                                Last edited by Lachrymose; 12-31-2011, 10:51 AM.

