This is some ridiculous bullshit right here.
For those who don't want to click or read, here's a summary:
1. Louisiana passed an "Academic Freedom" law basically saying schools now can present things like evolution, global warming, and human cloning (!) as wacky things only Jesus haters and libruls believe in.
2. This new law was written by the Discovery Institute that just happens to write textbooks with a pro-religion slant to them.
3. This brings the concept we see on cable news of giving both sides of a debate equal weight despite one being enormously, laughably wrong to the classroom where now kids have to learn about Jesus Horses in science class and other "alternate" theories that are total bullshit and will keep kids from obtaining any usable critical thinking skills.
It's easy to dismiss stories like this with a stereotypical "lol, southern states" response, but this is really starting to piss me off how these hypocrites are trying to weasel their religious and political beliefs into schools.
For those who don't want to click or read, here's a summary:
1. Louisiana passed an "Academic Freedom" law basically saying schools now can present things like evolution, global warming, and human cloning (!) as wacky things only Jesus haters and libruls believe in.
2. This new law was written by the Discovery Institute that just happens to write textbooks with a pro-religion slant to them.
3. This brings the concept we see on cable news of giving both sides of a debate equal weight despite one being enormously, laughably wrong to the classroom where now kids have to learn about Jesus Horses in science class and other "alternate" theories that are total bullshit and will keep kids from obtaining any usable critical thinking skills.
It's easy to dismiss stories like this with a stereotypical "lol, southern states" response, but this is really starting to piss me off how these hypocrites are trying to weasel their religious and political beliefs into schools.