I strongly agree with the need for therapy - a professional who is familiar with transsexuality should be monitoring the child as zhe approaches puberty, and help zhe develop zir own opinion about zir final gender, and whether or not zhe needs surgery/hormone treatment.
I wouldn't be averse to that being two, or even three or four, professionals. Or even a monitoring family-court magistrate or judge.
Whether the child needs to be institutionalised? I can't make that call. I can suggest that one or two professionals familiar with suicidal-depression should be called in to make that call. Again, perhaps with a monitoring family-court legist to supervise.
I hope that in this case, both parents truly are only thinking of the child; but I can't help but wonder if the child is really benefitting from their fight.
I wouldn't be averse to that being two, or even three or four, professionals. Or even a monitoring family-court magistrate or judge.
Whether the child needs to be institutionalised? I can't make that call. I can suggest that one or two professionals familiar with suicidal-depression should be called in to make that call. Again, perhaps with a monitoring family-court legist to supervise.
I hope that in this case, both parents truly are only thinking of the child; but I can't help but wonder if the child is really benefitting from their fight.