Boozy... you are not alone
(sorry it took so long, I didn't see this one earlier).
While I get where everyone else is coming from, there is one thing that I think needs to be said - most parents have no idea on how to actual parent. They just go with a 'ok - let's try this and see what happens', and most of the time, it'll be either what happened to them ("Cos I got a good spanking, and there's nothing wrong with me"), or they go the other extreme and try to do the opposite.
The 'rules' are merely what those individuals (parents) decide they want to impose, and for the most part, are incredibly selfish (that is, not designed to make the child a better person, but to make them into little clones... and hope for the best).
Rahmota... I loved your ideas that you posted up on the first page
I think that parents look at their kids and see them as kids - not as human beings, and certainly not as future adults.
The same goes for the way 'kids' are spoken to in general. You speak to a child as a child, and they'll act like a child. You speak to them as an equal, and you'll see a massive difference in them.
Discipline can be done in many ways - and 'violence' or spanking should almost never come into it.
(for the record - I don't once recall my parents 'disciplining' me - taking out their anger, frustration, disappointment, vengeance - yes... but nothing I would call 'discipline'. After all, there was no 'justification' expressed - only a 'do as I tell you'... good way to raise a robot to society, and remove self-empowerment).

While I get where everyone else is coming from, there is one thing that I think needs to be said - most parents have no idea on how to actual parent. They just go with a 'ok - let's try this and see what happens', and most of the time, it'll be either what happened to them ("Cos I got a good spanking, and there's nothing wrong with me"), or they go the other extreme and try to do the opposite.
The 'rules' are merely what those individuals (parents) decide they want to impose, and for the most part, are incredibly selfish (that is, not designed to make the child a better person, but to make them into little clones... and hope for the best).
Rahmota... I loved your ideas that you posted up on the first page

I think that parents look at their kids and see them as kids - not as human beings, and certainly not as future adults.
The same goes for the way 'kids' are spoken to in general. You speak to a child as a child, and they'll act like a child. You speak to them as an equal, and you'll see a massive difference in them.
Discipline can be done in many ways - and 'violence' or spanking should almost never come into it.
(for the record - I don't once recall my parents 'disciplining' me - taking out their anger, frustration, disappointment, vengeance - yes... but nothing I would call 'discipline'. After all, there was no 'justification' expressed - only a 'do as I tell you'... good way to raise a robot to society, and remove self-empowerment).