Except that there is almost a lock on a conviction for manslaughter supported by previous court decisions in cases where the person killed was a much more substantial threat and armed.
There will be at least one trial that the courts are going to have to deal with; if they choose to let this loose cannon go with his thin plea of self-defense then they're going to have to play defense against the family's suit. And while either suit is likely to end in their favor (provided they argue the proper charges on the first), only one is going to earn them enmity.
There will be at least one trial that the courts are going to have to deal with; if they choose to let this loose cannon go with his thin plea of self-defense then they're going to have to play defense against the family's suit. And while either suit is likely to end in their favor (provided they argue the proper charges on the first), only one is going to earn them enmity.