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Banning abortion doesn't make sense to me

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  • #61
    Originally posted by powerboy View Post
    I believe that women and couples should give the child up for adoption - if they do not want the child for whatever reason. Like what was said earlier, for every abortion - there is 40 couples that could of had an adoption.
    No one is entitled to a baby. No one is entitled to ANYTHING taken from the body of another person.

    Do you think everyone should be an organ donor?


    • #62
      I am 27 years old, and have been sexually active for for 9 years.
      I have not had any pregnancy scares, or any abortions. I am pro-choice, but I will not force someone to have an abortion simply because of my beliefs.

      Why have I not fallen pregnant? My parents gave me the Sex Talk. Told me about BC, abstinence, foreplay, all the squicky details. I know what to do and what not to do.

      Banning abortion doesn't make sense, especially in my country with it's high incidences of rape. And not just random person person raping you, I'm talking about your father, brother, uncle, granpa etc raping you. Do you really want to keep the baby and tell them that their Daddy and Grandaddy are one and the same?

      Plus, the majority of the population in Africa is black and poor. Giving a baby up for adoption in this continent is basically condemming them to a lifetime in the orphanage, as:
      a) A great big chunk of the population cannot support themselves and therefore cannot afford to adopt
      b) People prefer to adopt babies that look like them
      c) The people that can support themselves either don't want children, or have had their own.

      The number of backstreet abortions would increase at a ridiculous rate. You could get people who have done First Aid courses claiming to know how to perform an abortion.

      As for the pro-lifers, with all the stories I've heard about them bombing, harrassing and killing the people that work in the clinics - gee, hypocrite much?

      Banning abortion doesn't solve the problem. It merely tucks it away in a hard to see corner. As mentioned previously, what of people with undiagnosed medical conditions, like schizophrenia, or a tendency towards depression?

      I myself have a very, VERY bad temper. If I am sleep deprived and otherwise stressed, it is hard for me to control. I shudder to think what I could do to a small baby if I actually lost my temper properly. No thanks.

