Originally posted by Gravekeeper
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Registered Sex Offenders Denied Online Gaming
Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
If you have an actual violent pedophile with a high risk to re-offend then A) Why the fuck is he out to begin with and B) If you want him offline, don't allow him Internet as part of his parole conditions.
He is an example of someone who keeps getting punished after he already served 5 years in prison for this crime. Now it's one he committed, no doubt, he made a bad decision in a split second of time and touched a female child on the chest. However I don't think he's likely to re offend and would dearly love to get his life back on track. But right now he's unable to get a job, or an apartment because of his record and he's forced to live with his parents. Now these parents won't be around forever, what's he supposed to do then?
On a personal note I am not talking to him much anymore, it's a combination of the crime committed and the fact that he straight up lied to me. Mainly I'm upset about the lying. I thought I could trust him and was always honest with him and he didn't return that.
ETA: btw he does TONS of online gaming. Under his assumed name.https://www.youtube.com/user/HedgeTV
Great YouTube channel check it out!
Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Postand the mindset of "all sexual predators are pedophiles"
There are also people who are a danger to the public who are NOT on the list. The vast majority of children are abused by someone close to them, for example, a family member, friend of the family or a close neighbour. No point in protecting little Susie and Mickey from big bad Pedobear on their gaming network if it's pervy uncle Barry who's the one they need protection from."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
Originally posted by Telecom_GoddessI made friends with him before I found out about his offense, so effectively he lied to me about it by omissionZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?
SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostAnd "all pedophiles are dangerous". There are people who are technically pedophiles (for example, Joe Bloggs who is eighteen and has consentual sex with his fifteen year old girlf, or John Doe who has a sexual attraction to children and who never acts out on his impulses) who are not a danger to the public.
There are also people who are a danger to the public who are NOT on the list. The vast majority of children are abused by someone close to them, for example, a family member, friend of the family or a close neighbour. No point in protecting little Susie and Mickey from big bad Pedobear on their gaming network if it's pervy uncle Barry who's the one they need protection from.Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.
He still hasn't caught Pedobear, tho. XD
Seriously tho, check my location; age of consent in England is sixteen. However, a fifteen year old who has sex with an older man can still sting him for underage sex... tho it's normally parents who do that. Therefore, he's on the list when he's not a danger to the general public.
As for the internet being oh so dangerous, the main danger is caused by people being naive and ignorant. There are kids with Facebook pages (which, incidentally, they're not supposed to have in the first place) who put their full name, address, where they like to hang out and photos of themselves semi naked on there. The fact that their parents aren't monitoring what their kids do and what they put up for the world to see online is more of an issue than the fact that Mr Pervert of Penzance might be online."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
Originally posted by crashhelmet View PostHowever, if the Internet wasn't such an easily available tool for pedophiles, rapists, and other criminals to use to stalk their prey, shows like "To Catch A Predator" wouldn't be as successful and Chris Hanson wouldn't have told so many people to "have a seat."
Other than that though. >.>
Originally posted by Gravekeeper View PostCept "To Catch A Predator" did not center on pedophiles or rapists, constantly skirted the line on legal entrapment, was aided by a volunteer group that they *paid* to find predators for them ( $100,000 an episode ) and had a number of behind the scenes problems when it came to the legal side of things. Cumilating in 23 "Predators" having their charges dropped due to lack of evidence and entrapment.
Other than that though. >.>Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.
Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View PostSeriously tho, check my location; age of consent in England is sixteen. However, a fifteen year old who has sex with an older man can still sting him for underage sex... tho it's normally parents who do that. Therefore, he's on the list when he's not a danger to the general public.
Or, are you meaning - she's 15, the parents are attempting to 'sting' (in the sense of, coerce/extort money from) him? In which case, I'd have thought that it's A) entrapment, and b) going to land the parents in a whole heap of trouble as well.ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?
SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.
Um... because a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to children. You do not get charged with pedophilia for banging a 15-year-old, you get charged with the appropriate crime: statutory rape in the US, sex with minors in Germany, etc.
Seriously, do you *not* know the difference between sex with children and sex with (underage) teenagers?"You are who you are on your worst day, Durkon. Anything less is a comforting lie you tell yourself to numb the pain." - Evil
"You're trying to be Lawful Good. People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then." - Good
I was saying that the man charged with statatory rape would be put on the sex offenders registery, ie saying that just cuz someone's on there, doesn't mean that they're a danger to the public.
Just as a pedophile who doesn't act on his/her urges wouldn't be a danger, either. Yes, they do exist. We only hear about the ones that do act on their urges... and they're not all men, either. In any case, I believe that parents are responsible for ensuring that their kids are safe online, by *gasp!* monitoring their childrens' activity on the internet and making sure that they don't put stuff like their home address and semi naked photos of themselves up."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
It all varies from state to state.
In California, age of Consent is 18. However, if there is 3 years or less difference, it's only a misdemeanor. The penalties get worse the greater the age difference is. If one is under the age of 14, regardless of the age of the other, the penalties get worse. So if a 14 year old sleeps with a 13 year old, they're at risk of a felony charge, because of how the law is written.
As I said before, Nevada is 16 but with a 3 year law. There can't be a difference greater than 3 years. 16 with a 19 year old is fine, but not a 20 year old.
Arizona is 18, but if they're less than 2 years apart it's all up to the judge/jury. It's technically illegal, but not an automatic conviction.Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.
Originally posted by crashhelmet View PostIf one is under the age of 14, regardless of the age of the other, the penalties get worse. So if a 14 year old sleeps with a 13 year old, they're at risk of a felony charge, because of how the law is written.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden