The following quote comes from the website of the Libertarian Alliance -- an organization in the UK
Well! That author is no fan of the police, to put it mildly. But his statement reflects an increasingly common attitude towards cops nowadays -- and not just in the UK either. There was a time when this sort of attitude was limited to criminals, gangsters and teenagers, but now all kinds of ordinary, respectable people are losing faith in cops. Some even go so far as to question the need for them at all. While I think that's a bit extreme, I can kind of see their point. The reality is they have no legal obligation to protect us. If you've ever experienced a burglary or property crime, you know just how pointless it is to expect them to apprehend the person responsible and get your property back, to give you just a few examples. So it's fair to ask -- what ARE cops good for anyway? How do the rest of you feel?
The idea that the main function of the police is to protect life and property requires a firm resolve not to read the newspapers. There was a time within living memory when the worst the police did was to resell porn and drugs, and license burglars, and hang round public lavatories arresting any man desperate enough to fancy them. In addition to this, to be fair, they did provide the occasional protective service.
"But this is history. The police nowadays are little more than an increasingly trigger-happy pro-government militia. They spend much of their time listening to radio discussions in search of people to harass for saying something politically incorrect. If they do leave the fortified compounds we used to call police stations, it is to arrest householders for protecting their lives and property, or to breathalyse every tenth driver on the local A roads. The police are politically and financially corrupt. They are personally dangerous to be near. The only thing still to be said in their favour is a tendency to laziness and incompetence. Thanks to that, we do not get all the oppression we pay for.
"England has become a country where if you see a police officer knocking on your door, you panic.
"But this is history. The police nowadays are little more than an increasingly trigger-happy pro-government militia. They spend much of their time listening to radio discussions in search of people to harass for saying something politically incorrect. If they do leave the fortified compounds we used to call police stations, it is to arrest householders for protecting their lives and property, or to breathalyse every tenth driver on the local A roads. The police are politically and financially corrupt. They are personally dangerous to be near. The only thing still to be said in their favour is a tendency to laziness and incompetence. Thanks to that, we do not get all the oppression we pay for.
"England has become a country where if you see a police officer knocking on your door, you panic.