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Many nations condemn our death penalty

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  • Many nations condemn our death penalty

    That's fine. Opinions are like assholes and car stereos overloaded with bass. Everyone's got one. But look at who was executed and who many nations, including Mexico itself, are defending????

    This illegal immigrant though it was a hoot to participate in brutally raping and murdering two teenage girls. Many nations, including Mexico itself, have condemned the death sentence given to him. I say, "This is what happens when you sneak into our country and brutally murder our people. We don't really appreciate it. Did you see us walk around with big smiles on our faces on 9/11??? Did you see us celebrate full of glee??? NO!" I gotta hand it to the masterminds of 9/11: They were at least smart enough not to stick around to get arrested and get socked with the death penalty. They ran like hell and hid in caves on the other side of the planet.

    Look at his mugshot. Because he's now smirking and giggling on the other side. Adios seƱor. En el nombre del Padre, y del hijo, y del espiritu santo, amen.

  • #2
    My opinion? One more piece of shit we no longer have to worry about or waste tax dollars on keeping alive, feeding, clothing, bathing, educating, and most importantly "rehabilitating".

    If I were her family, I'd feel so much better knowing that he didn't get off scot free or get some lame ass pitiful short sentence, then get out and do it again.


    • #3

      ----Hey, at least Mexico can rest assured that they'll get his body back fully intact with dignity. Those two girls he helped murdered were left to rot in a field for animals to feed off of.


      • #4
        They don't like our death penalty? Fine. Why don't we take our most violent offenders...and ship them off to some of those countries? I bet they'd change their thinking pretty damn quick


        • #5
          About Elizabeth Pena one of the girls the guy helped to ra & kill

          The other girl's name was Jennifer Ertman. May their souls finally find peace that this scum is no longer around and found justice.
          Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

          Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


          • #6
            "our country?" "our people?" I really don't get nationalism.

            Other countries have long been opposed to America's death penalty. Hell, 1/3 of "our" states don't even allow it. Looking at the article, this seems to be more about whether he was allowed access to international legal aid he was entitled to than about the actual death penalty aspect. Even 4/9 of the Supreme Court wanted the execution stayed.

            And why do you think he's an illegal immigrant? I can't find anything that says that other than some right-wing blogs with no source material. Even if he was, he moved here when he was three - should he have known international law and defied his family as a toddler? Should he have ran away from home and moved back to Mexico as soon he became aware that he was an illegal immigrant?
            Last edited by anriana; 08-06-2008, 07:32 PM.


            • #7
              To me it illustrates that we really need to regulate more closely who crosses our borders. At your house, do you freely allow strangers to run in and out as much as they damn well please??? And by the way, did you know that many other nations are even tougher on illegals??? Some countries use imprisonment. Some countries like China have border guards that will even shoot on sight. If the United States did THAT we'd have all the global human rights groups all over our asses like a diaper. Even now they're living better than me and my family are. Free room and board, three square meals a day, free health care with ZERO deductable or co-pay. I even hear that they're allowed free cable TV in some cells. And some countries still paint the American government as a bunch of out-of-control war criminals.


              • #8
                Heh. Sure, let's take advice from CHINA of all places on how to treat people. I suspect a site like this might be blocked if we did.

                I'm sure if it was an American being executed in another country, I'd bet you'd be singing quite a different tune right about now.
                I'd detail my thoughts on the death penalty, but I've already done that on the death penalty thread. It's expensive, wasteful, and shouldn't have a place in our so-called correctional institutions.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AFPheonix View Post
                  I'm sure if it was an American being executed in another country, I'd bet you'd be singing quite a different tune right about now.
                  Depends on the crime. If it's for the rape and murder of two teenage girls, I say fry him. Doesn't matter to me who does it, or where they do it. Same crime, same penalty.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #10
                    The "illegal immigrant" part doesn't bother me. As far as I can see, any American citizen would get the needle for that, so what's the point? I'm happy our system worked.

                    If citizens of other countries don't like it, I'd advise them not to rape and murder US citizens on US soil.


                    • #11
                      When a Britishlanderlandian is on death row in another country, our gubmint goes out of its way to try and get a more lenient sentence. There was a case of a British nanny in a 'shaken baby' case many moons ago who was sentenced to death, if memory serves.

                      I remember wondering at the time why so much effort was being spent on trying to get her off the hook. If she had deliberately killed a baby, then...

                      Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                      Reclaiming words is fun!


                      • #12
                        Another one bites the dust...and he deserved it.
                        There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't necessarily want my government spending a lot of time and money saving the life of a convicted murderer when that time and money could be spent saving the lives of say, children. Resources are finite, and we need to make tough decisions about where they do the most good.

                          But I have no problem with my government speaking out against the death penalty in other countries, and I wish they would do that more often. Like anriana, I think this nationalism thing is silly. I don't care that this isn't happening inside my borders. It's happening to the human race, so it's my business. I can't differentiate between a Vancouver man whom I've never met and a Texas man whom I've never met, and why should I? Because of some imaginary line along the 49th parallel?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by anriana View Post
                            "our country?" "our people?" I really don't get nationalism.
                            What's wrong with taking pride in where you live?

                            Originally posted by anriana View Post
                            Other countries have long been opposed to America's death penalty. Hell, 1/3 of "our" states don't even allow it. Looking at the article, this seems to be more about whether he was allowed access to international legal aid he was entitled to than about the actual death penalty aspect. Even 4/9 of the Supreme Court wanted the execution stayed.
                            Each country has some form of discipline that other countries don't like. The US got all hot and bothered over a US citizen getting caned in Singapore because he acted like a dumbass. Go to that country, abide by their rules. Break their rules, accept their punishments.

                            He shouldn't have been allowed access to anything other than a plane ticket back to whatever country he is "legally" from.

                            Originally posted by anriana View Post
                            And why do you think he's an illegal immigrant? I can't find anything that says that other than some right-wing blogs with no source material. Even if he was, he moved here when he was three - should he have known international law and defied his family as a toddler? Should he have ran away from home and moved back to Mexico as soon he became aware that he was an illegal immigrant?
                            If the family is indeed illegally here, they should have thought of that before crossing the border in an unacceptable manner. There's a front door...they should use it. Illegals should not be here in any way, shape or form. So, it is the family's fault he is an illegal.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
                              What's wrong with taking pride in where you live?
                              I'm proud that I pay for my living space. I'm not proud that I happened to be born in between the same lines as lots of people I've never met. I'm certainly not your person; what makes these two girls yours?

                              Each country has some form of discipline that other countries don't like. The US got all hot and bothered over a US citizen getting caned in Singapore because he acted like a dumbass. Go to that country, abide by their rules. Break their rules, accept their punishments.
                              Are you referring to Michael Fay? I don't see any controversy over whether or not Singapore broke an international treaty.

                              He shouldn't have been allowed access to anything other than a plane ticket back to whatever country he is "legally" from.
                              So you think he should have been sent back to Mexico?

                              If the family is indeed illegally here, they should have thought of that before crossing the border in an unacceptable manner. There's a front door...they should use it. Illegals should not be here in any way, shape or form. So, it is the family's fault he is an illegal.
                              But what does the possibility that his family came here illegally 30 years ago have to do with anything? Would this be any different if they had come here legally? And again, what source do you have stating he's an illegal immigrant?

