To be bluntly honest, every really good MMO player I've known, like *seriously* good. Not just good at one e-peen thing like dps. But rather the sort that flawlessly leads huge guilds, entire alliances and major raids, has been a woman.
God, one of my oldest friends in the online gaming world has been my guild/raid leader for over a decade across at least 4 or 5 games. I'd follow her into Hell and she's had occasion to lead me there more than a few times. Without her, me and my circle of male gaming compatriots just waddle around goofing off and congradulating ourselves if we can make it through a 5 man without Drinky getting killed.
Whisky and DPS don't go together, but by god he keeps trying.
God, one of my oldest friends in the online gaming world has been my guild/raid leader for over a decade across at least 4 or 5 games. I'd follow her into Hell and she's had occasion to lead me there more than a few times. Without her, me and my circle of male gaming compatriots just waddle around goofing off and congradulating ourselves if we can make it through a 5 man without Drinky getting killed.
Whisky and DPS don't go together, but by god he keeps trying.