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Zimmerman regrets nothing, says it was Gods plan and he wouldn't change anything.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bainsidhe View Post

    "I do wish there was something, anything, I could have done that wouldn't have put me in the position where I had to take his life."
    I can answer his question by providing many simple option.

    1. Not carry a gun.
    2. Not followed him.
    3. Not gotten out of the car.
    4. Stayed at home and watched the game.
    5. Played video games.
    6. Read a book.
    7. Gone grocery shopping.

    Yeah, I could make one hell of a list of things Zimmerman could have been doing other than murdering a kid. And not one of things would be anything but innocent and legal. His 'watch captain' job... was volunteer.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
      According to Zimmerman's lawyer, the demand ABC would not meet is:

      He asked ABC to put his wife up in a hotel with security guard for a month basically.

      I $ome how doubt that i$ all they a$ked for. But I al$o wouldnt expect them to tell everything. While it i$ a noble reque$t and $ound$ rea$onable, I believe the lawyer i$ not telling u$ everything that wa$ reque$ted.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
        The man has some sort of personality disorder; he's definitely got some sort of cop-wannabe hero complex. And it's not enough that he act like some hero, but he has to get seen as a hero, too. Idiot.

        And, in a move that surprises nobody, the prosecution has entered his interview as potential evidence.

        I like how he had the post-commercial-break-coaching-session bit about "not understanding" Hannity's question about if he would do anything different.

        My guess is they're using that interview instead of putting him on the stand where the prosecutors will have the chance to cross-examine him. So now you've got a pre-taped, probably pre-scripted and heavily edited interview to serve as his defense testimony.
        Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


        • #19
          I really doubt it was pre-scripted. Zimmerman is so far off the reservation that his defense is probably developing new ulcers.

          The reason I say that is that he quite confidently said that he would change a thing and that it was "god's plan" that Martin die that night and then changed his tune to claim he didn't understand the earlier question and do a complete 180 on his answer. He was definitely coached by someone who let him know that his earlier statement would likely be used to destroy his defense, although the damage is already well and truly done.

          This guy has some serious narcissism issues; he has a desperate need to be seen, and it's trumping any shred of sense he has.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            This might sound strange, but I'm actually glad for Zimmerman's cold-blooded candor. He wants the world to see what a stone-cold killer he is, fine. Makes the jury's job that much simpler. Sequestered or no, leaks do happen.

            I also don't give a flying fuck whether or not he has regrets. Regrets don't bring the deceased back. This was no unavoidable accident, we're waaaaay beyond regret. Hell I'd be more creeped out if he put on a show of crocodile tears.

            That said I shudder to think of what a slap in the face this must be for the family. He may as well bill them for the cost of his spent bullet, not to mention his legal fees.
            Customer: I need an Apache.
            Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?


            • #21
              I seriously hope to god he gets a needle in his arm.
              "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

              - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America


              • #22
                On regrets: I for one care very much that he apparently has none. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes mistakes with horrible consequences, especially when panicked. I can easily imagine someone doing something very similar and realizing afterward they'd totally misread the situation and hadn't thought their actions through. But then, that person would regret what had happened, and would very likely wind up being charged with something less.

                That he has no regret means that, knowing all the facts, he still believes his actions to have been correct. It means this was no mistake or misunderstanding, but the deliberate killing of someone who had done him no wrong.
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                • #23
                  Like Rageaholic and I pointed out on page 1, he's a devout Calvinist, which means (in part) that he believes in predestination. He believes that God meant for it to happen that way, and he's cool with that.

                  I personally can't twist my mind into how someone can be so blase about personally being the cause of ending an innocent life*, but if you start with the assumption that he believes in predestination, it's possible to connect the dots.

                  * Let's leave the quibbling over whether Martin was some sort of thug-in-training for other threads, k?


                  • #24
                    ...especially considering the photos of Martin dressed like a thug and throwing gang signs came from the Facebook account o9f a DIFFERENT kid named Trayvon Martin.

                    I hope he doesn't "get the needle." I hope Martin gets tossed in prison and gets the rest of his life to think about whether he really wants to believe that he was predestined to kill the kid.

                    Calvinists have the right to believe in predestination in everything, and I have the right to believe they're stupid.


                    • #25
                      Well, if he truly believes in Calvinism and uses that to explain his lack of emotion or regret of his actions, then he should be just as emotionless of his sentence. After all, under Calvinism, his sentence is just as much predetermined as his actions.

