Originally posted by Andara Bledin
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Indiscriminate Rant Mode On:
This constant bullshit that guns can be solved by more guns has got to stop. The US has been blowing that smoke up its own ass for years and what has it gotten it? The highest rate of firearm deaths of any first world country? The highest rate of fire arm homicides of any first world country? I mean seriously, you're failing every benchmark you claim to be succeeding at.
Firearms do nothing to prevent crime. Crime rates tend to stay the same with or without firearms. Criminals will just use different weapons instead and firearms do nothing to deter criminals. What changes is the probability of someone dying during a crime. Which is SIGNIFICANTLY higher when a firearm is introduced by either the perpetrator OR the victim. Firearms can and will escalate a situation that would not have otherwise been lethally dangerous.
So wtf is it doing? If the goal is to deter crime, you've failed. If the goal is to save lives, you're failed miserable. If the goal is to protect yourself from the government, good fucking luck. The government comin' to git yew is a paranoid delusion and even if it did happen you're SOL vs the US military no matter what you bought at Walmart.
So what's the justification? Penis extension? Vigilantism? The US has failed by every concievable benchmark here yet there are still all these people that are absolutely convinced the way to put out the fire is to throw gas on it. They cling to an amendment that was never intended for nor could have envisioned the sort of weapons we have today.
America has a big problem here and its basically being caused by a 3 way gangbang of issues that are all sacred cows it can't or won't fix: Gun control, socio-economic woes and health care.
It won't accept ANY more regulation over fire arms, it can't do shit ( with the GOP in the way ) to help the people poor enough to be desperate enough to use them and it sure as fark can't help people who are mentally ill before they use them ( that would be Communist ). Its the perfect clusterfuck but discussing any aspect of it gets you shouted down by mouthbreathers and/or congressmen. -.-
If you fixed any one of the three at a federal level than shit like this might be prevented.
But instead people get on the Internet and fantasize about how THEY could have been the hero if they were there with their own gun or if only there were more people in the theatre with guns! Because that would help. Then you get this parade of god damn idiots from the GOP on TV claiming it would somehow be insensitive to talk about the gun problems facing America right now. Jesus Christ.
Indiscriminate Rant Mode Off.
Okay, I'm better now. ;p