It is estimated that since legalizing marriage equality in New York, there has been economic benefits in excess of $250m to the state.
Article on The Atlantic Wire
The article also comments that it has been estimated that California has lost out on nearly $700m in economic activity since the passage of Prop 8 three years ago, which would be in line with New York's estimate of their increase over the past year.
Not all states will benefit as much as New York or California, but generally speaking, it would be likely that removing bans on allowing same-sex marriage would just about double all revenue related to weddings across the board no matter where you were.
As more states support the rights of all of their citizens, those that don't will lose more and more revenue as people marry and possibly migrate to neighboring states who are not so rigidly antiquarian.
Article on The Atlantic Wire
The article also comments that it has been estimated that California has lost out on nearly $700m in economic activity since the passage of Prop 8 three years ago, which would be in line with New York's estimate of their increase over the past year.
Not all states will benefit as much as New York or California, but generally speaking, it would be likely that removing bans on allowing same-sex marriage would just about double all revenue related to weddings across the board no matter where you were.
As more states support the rights of all of their citizens, those that don't will lose more and more revenue as people marry and possibly migrate to neighboring states who are not so rigidly antiquarian.