i dunno. i still think if chick-fil-a had come out supporting (both "morally" and financially) something like dog-fights, noone would give a shit if they were banned from cities for being dog-fight-loving jerks.
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CFA - is the punishment valid or illegal?
Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Posti dunno. i still think if chick-fil-a had come out supporting (both "morally" and financially) something like dog-fights, noone would give a shit if they were banned from cities for being dog-fight-loving jerks.
With that said, there's a difference between supporting a company that donates money to bad causes and actually supporting the bad causes. I would venture that your average Chick Fila customer only wants a chicken sandwich. If they want to deny gays the right to marry, they would probably donate money to the groups that Chick Fila donates to. The customers should not be blames for where Chick Fila donates their money, only for where they donate their money. Buying a chicken sandwich is a morally neutral action (unless we're talking animal rights, than that's a different ballpark).
Buying a chicken sandwich is a morally neutral action (unless we're talking animal rights, than that's a different ballpark).
But, I'm not in any way compelled to buy from Chik-Fil-A, and I am totally able to call what the company does disgusting, refuse to buy from them, and actively try to get other people not to buy from them either.
It doesn't make you a bad person to buy from them, but it does mean you're giving money to someone who donates to people working against equal rights."Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"
i havent heard people saying "if you buy from chick-fil-a you're evil". i've heard "Hey, chick-fil-a is saying/ putting money into some pretty negative stuff. here's the information." and then other people/ccompanies going "thanks. i've read the information and have chosen to not deal with them anymore" OR "i dont care, i am not getting involved in this issue and will not let it effect my consumer choices"
thou it tends to be worded more like "chick-fil-a sucks!!! don't eat there!!!!" and "screw that i loves my chicken noms!"All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.
Originally posted by PepperElf View Post"active contribution"
So if a company donates money to a cause you disagree with, then they can legally be sanctioned against?
So who gets to decide which views or causes can be supported and which cannot? And how does this NOT violate the 1A since you'd be using the government to dictate what people can and cannot support.
Some background on their history and franchises from Forbes. They can lose their franchise if they hire a "sinful" employee, so forced discrimination on several fronts.....
Originally posted by Tanasi View PostThe Godfather nor any of his henchmen will let a small things likes rights and laws from stopping them, this is Chicago we talking about. Chicago is one of the most if not the most politically corrupt places in the nation. Huey Long was a piker compared to this bunch. The Chicago machine will hold this opinion until the right wheels get greased.
Where I running CFA I'd take an opposite turn. I'd just flat out say the Godfather and his henchmen have made it plain we are not welcome to expand further business in the area so effective immediately in the greater Chicago area we're closing all stores and firing all employees. We will not be bullied, let it be known that the Godfather and his henchmen are more interested in pandering instead of letting jobs be created, we are leaving because of them and them alone. I'd specify the taxes that were going to be lost, wages and costs to the citizens of IL of those let-go.
That being said I don't patronize CFA because they over cook and over price their food. Besides it's nothing special that you can't get else where.
Something I find ironic about the Godfather he has all this hate for CFA but just jumps up and down in glee that Louis Farrakhan and his breatheren are in town trying to stop the gang violence (which I personally have no problem with them doing this, because it needs doing.) In effect the Godfather is saying it's better to be a racist that calls for violence than folks that believe in traditional marriage. Yeah that makes a lot of sense for an opinion of a Jewish mayor.Last edited by Duelist925; 07-28-2012, 05:17 PM.
Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Posti think godfather and henchmen was being used sarcastically to represent the mayor.
Originally posted by Nekojin View PostWhen it's used consistently over an entire, multi-paragraph post, I don't tend to assume sarcasm or facetious usage. While she might be exaggerating for effect, I don't think it's a stretch to think that Tanasi actually believes that Rahm Emanuel is a high-order criminal.
kinda like when i refer to my brother as the devil. i dont really belive he is. but it amuses the hell out of me to call him that.All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.
Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Posti think godfather and henchmen was being used sarcastically to represent the mayor.Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!
They are supporting discrimination based on sexual orientation, which is illegal in the city of Chicago/state of Illinois.
Some background on their history and franchises from Forbes. They can lose their franchise if they hire a "sinful" employee, so forced discrimination on several fronts…..
I'd love to know where they find sin-free employees.
When it's used consistently over an entire, multi-paragraph post, I don't tend to assume sarcasm or facetious usage. While she might be exaggerating for effect, I don't think it's a stretch to think that Tanasi actually believes that Rahm Emanuel is a high-order criminal."My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."
Originally posted by HYHYBT View PostSupporting discrimination (in the sense of advocating for it or donating money to do so) cannot be illegal. It's disgusting, but it's legal."Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."
i think i know what bothers me about the thread title. it's saying that people puling out of doing business with, or not wanting Chick-Fil-a in their towns, is a "punishment".
maybe i'm in the minority, but i just see it as people with a stance on an issue diffrent than other people, and choosing not to associate with those people.
henson didnt say they were in disagreement with Chick-Fil-A and donated money to GLAAD to "punish" chick-fil-a. chicago isn't telling chick-fil-a it's not welcome as a "punishment". they jsut don't want to be associated with people they think are bigots.
it's like kicking creepy uncle bob out of the house because he things the FBI is run by lawn gnomes. it's not a punishment, it's a refusal to accociate with.All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.
While in this instance I completely agree with the mayor and city telling CFA they're not wanted, I realize that I'd feel differently in different situations. For example, NYC had a big to-do when an Islamic center was going to be built in a location not so far from Ground Zero. They weren't breaking any laws and they were simply exercising their right to religion. The furor generated from the idea that a mosque would be built anywhere near the twin towers was unbelievable. Truth is, I kinda stepped back from that whole debate, because while I completely support people's rights to build an Islamic center, I don't live in NYC and didn't lose anyone in the towers, thus I don't have an emotional reaction. It's sad for all involved.