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Stuebenville High School Rape

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  • #31
    LocalLeaks The Steubenville Files

    Here's all the information on what Anonymous has on what happenedi n Steubenville. It's fucking disgusting. The girl was evidently roofied before even getting to the party.


    • #32
      Originally posted by RedRoseSpiral View Post
      LocalLeaks The Steubenville Files

      Here's all the information on what Anonymous has on what happenedi n Steubenville. It's fucking disgusting. The girl was evidently roofied before even getting to the party.
      Looks like Anonymous was pretty thorough. I wonder how long it's actually going to take for the FBI to take care of this.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #33
        Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Stop the thread for a second. Only one person is going to comment on this? Are lordlundar and I the only ones who saw it?

        Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
        That's what ball gags are for!

        (Okay, yes, that's way out of line. But still funny, when not said seriously, right? Right?)
        I don't even care about arguing with you all on the existence of a "rape culture" or not anymore. Nekojin...dude...really? I mean, I like you and all, but come on. Why would you post a joke like that in response to somebody's true story about the time they were sexually assaulted? In a thread about a brutal gang rape??

        I understand it was probably a bad judgment call - Lord knows I've made plenty of those - but come on, dude. I'm not the morality police, but I feel the need to call you out here. That was just distasteful.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jaden View Post
          That was just distasteful.
          I think distasteful doesn't really even cover it, beginning the topic and state of the thread...that's all I will say.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Greenday View Post
            The one who now has a video of the douchebag rapists where they admit to raping her?
            Hence my saying "in general."
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #36
              Originally posted by Greenday View Post
              Nancy Grace needs to be banned from participating in the media.
              She's useful when you want someone to talk up a story for 3 months. She's quite the windbag.

              Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
              Are they silent because it's bad press for a Republican supporting town? Silent because of the current common opinion on rape or women in general?
              I'm wondering why more news groups haven't picked up the story. It's strange that Anonymous of all people had to bring it to light.

              You'd think Fox News would be all over this, since they could blame everything on liberals. (They always find a way.)


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jaden View Post
                Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Stop the thread for a second. Only one person is going to comment on this? Are lordlundar and I the only ones who saw it?

                I don't even care about arguing with you all on the existence of a "rape culture" or not anymore. Nekojin...dude...really? I mean, I like you and all, but come on. Why would you post a joke like that in response to somebody's true story about the time they were sexually assaulted? In a thread about a brutal gang rape??

                I understand it was probably a bad judgment call - Lord knows I've made plenty of those - but come on, dude. I'm not the morality police, but I feel the need to call you out here. That was just distasteful.
                I was going to let it go after lordlundar went flamey over it, but now I feel obliged to respond.

                Yes, it was distasteful. It's black humor, that's the entire point. Joking about something that's direly serious. It serves several purposes - it helps to ease the tension that such events create, and it's a coping mechanism. Nobody with half a brain can think that anyone with half a brain would say such a thing and mean it.

                But unless you're going to say that rape is one subject so taboo that you can't even joke about it - we do joke about death, after all - then I'd say that the best response to such a joke, if you're genuinely offended by it, is to ignore it. And if you're not genuinely offended by it, then you're just being an officious intermeddler.

                If I'd made some remark like, "She deserved it because of how she was dressed," or any of a hundred other slurs at the victims that have been said, I'd say you all have a right to be pissed at me. But what I said isn't anywhere near on the level of saying something that denigrates the victims, or was disparaging or demeaning to the victims. But to suggest that it can't even be joked about - or, as lordlundar implied, that it somehow legitimizes the claims of a "rape culture" - is beyond belief.

                For the record, since we seem to be "measuring" - I was molested myself. Repeatedly, from the age of 13 to 18. It's something I'm a little touchy on, myself. So I'll thank you not to try to dictate how I should act, or react.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                  You'd think Fox News would be all over this, since they could blame everything on liberals. (They always find a way.)
                  Ohio is too important of a state in the elections, so no on tries to piss them off.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
                    I was going to let it go after lordlundar went flamey over it, but now I feel obliged to respond.

                    Yes, it was distasteful. It's black humor, that's the entire point. Joking about something that's direly serious. It serves several purposes - it helps to ease the tension that such events create, and it's a coping mechanism. Nobody with half a brain can think that anyone with half a brain would say such a thing and mean it.

                    But unless you're going to say that rape is one subject so taboo that you can't even joke about it - we do joke about death, after all - then I'd say that the best response to such a joke, if you're genuinely offended by it, is to ignore it. And if you're not genuinely offended by it, then you're just being an officious intermeddler.

                    If I'd made some remark like, "She deserved it because of how she was dressed," or any of a hundred other slurs at the victims that have been said, I'd say you all have a right to be pissed at me. But what I said isn't anywhere near on the level of saying something that denigrates the victims, or was disparaging or demeaning to the victims. But to suggest that it can't even be joked about - or, as lordlundar implied, that it somehow legitimizes the claims of a "rape culture" - is beyond belief.

                    For the record, since we seem to be "measuring" - I was molested myself. Repeatedly, from the age of 13 to 18. It's something I'm a little touchy on, myself. So I'll thank you not to try to dictate how I should act, or react.

                    You know why? You are saying we should just ignore it. It's not hurting anyone why shouldn't it be allowed, right?

                    Maybe we should start making fun and joke about how you were molested. Let's bring back up all those bad memories of you in tears and how little it means to anyone because it's just one big joke. After all, it's not hurting anyone, right?

                    Then we become just like those assholes in the video.

                    Making crass jokes about rape does legitimize rape culture because it marginalizes and demeans what the person went through. Also the person who you just mocked is still suffering through it. By joking about it and ignoring when people do just continues to demean what the person went through. As a result, people don't report rape because their suffering will be mocked and ignored.

                    You know what? I stand corrected. You didn't blow your entire argument to pieces. You've proven that you are just as worthless as those sacks of shit in the video.

                    But hey, it's all good, clean fun right? It's not hurting anyone, right?

                    Why don't you tell that to the victim of that gang rape and her family? I don't think anyone would prevent them from strangling you to death. Funny huh?
                    Last edited by lordlundar; 01-05-2013, 03:31 PM.


                    • #40
                      OK, everyone needs to calm down. Controversial topics on here are fine, but members attacking each other is not. We don't close threads very often on here like we do on CS, but if the fighting contintues, we're going to have to.
                      --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


                      • #41
                        Rape jokes are never funny. Ever.

                        I've seen what happens when a victim of rape is within earshot of someone making a joke like that. It was one of my coworkers, and the jokers were two guys a few cubicles away. All I saw was her face drain of all blood, her eyes open up so wide I thought they were going to fall out of her head, and she started shaking. Then she had a full blown panic attack - something she hadn't had in four months since having been attacked a year prior. She had been proud of her recovery, and that "joke" shot it all to hell.

                        So much for "they don't hurt anybody."

                        I will never, ever find rape or sexual assault jokes funny. No one else should either.


                        • #42
                          It's black humor. It's not supposed to be funny, as such; it's supposed to provoke a reaction. It's supposed to provoke thought and reflection.

                          Focusing on the latter is more productive than the former.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                            It's black humor. It's not supposed to be funny, as such; it's supposed to provoke a reaction. It's supposed to provoke thought and reflection.

                            Focusing on the latter is more productive than the former.

                            But people who do it don't do it to provoke thought and reflection. I have yet to see any kind of rape joke that was meant to provoke thought and reflection, and wasn't done just to show "Hey look how scandalous I can be" to people who laugh because they're either apathetic dickheads or they're trying to "stick it those milk drinking political correct wusses."

                            It's hard to focus on the latter when I don't see any of the latter, just apathetic dickheads being apathetic dickheads. When the reaction is to send victims of rape into a PTSD episode, it's hard to ignore it, and frankly, I think it's irresponsible to just ignore it and not call people out on it.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                              It's black humor. It's not supposed to be funny, as such; it's supposed to provoke a reaction. It's supposed to provoke thought and reflection.

                              Focusing on the latter is more productive than the former.

                              Wow, you're right. I'll never think of ballgags or BlaqueKatt's specific sexual assault the same way again

                              Seriously, if you want to argue that Nekojin's joke wasn't out of line, fine, I won't stop you. I disagree, but it won't really bother me terribly, so long as you have some constructive reasoning. But to say that not only was it not out of line, but that is actually high-brow and imply that we're just stuck-up plebes who take things too seriously for not seeing that, that's patently ridiculous.

                              My intent wasn't to start an argument on whether or not there ever is a time or a place for a rape joke. That's something we could argue about endlessly and never make any kind of progress. What I was trying to say, and which was something that I had hoped just about everybody could agree on, was that if there is a time and a place for a rape joke, this certainly was not it.


                              • #45
                                The city of Steubenville has published their own web site to detail the "true" facts of the case.

                                Steubenville Facts

                                There isn't really anything to counter what Anonymous is revealing. In fact, they seem to attack the notion that they released in the info.
                                Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.

