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Stuebenville High School Rape

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  • #91
    blogger who had a hand in helping with evidence

    sorry if this has been mentioned before. read over the majority of this. what got me was that again, people are attacking the victim. i love how the rape victims own peers are calling her a whore/slut etc
    i don't know how or why she got drunk but being rapped while UNCONSCIOUS IS NOT being a slut its BEING RAPED. i love how teenagers show how dumb they are like this....sigh

    lets not forget that the night this happened and all the evidence tweets and so on NO ONE DID ANYTHING, and lets thank the parents for teaching their kids that this behavior is ok. or rather not teaching their kids that this is unnaceptable behavior (all sentencing aside) I am glad that they teens who did this were punished and that someone (see blog link) did something about it just sad that it wasn't when it was most needed.
    Last edited by LexiaFira; 03-19-2013, 04:17 PM.
    Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
    Yeah we're so over, over
    Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


    • #92
      Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      This image sums up pretty well how different news outlets are reinforcing rape culture.

      "Oh, poor rapists! They had such promising futures! If only that wicked girl hadn't tempted them by getting drunk they would still be good, honest boys!"

      i can maybe understand nbc in the lamenting of their foot ball careers. only in the fact that they would have HAD a good career if they didn't do something stupid
      Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
      Yeah we're so over, over
      Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


      • #93
        Originally posted by LexiaFira View Post
        i can maybe understand nbc in the lamenting of their foot ball careers. only in the fact that they would have HAD a good career if they didn't do something stupid
        When you do something like this, even early in life, chances are you're going to do it later in life.

        You have to be in a pretty sick state of mind to even think of doing something like this and furthermore brag about it and not even consider the consequences both on their own lives and on the life of the girl they violated. This wasn't just a "bad decision" the same way driving drunk or even assaulting someone in the heat of a really bad argument is. It took a very twisted frame of mind that, IMO, made such a crime inevitable.

        This was a crime of opportunity, not of passion. If it didn't happen that night, it would have almost certainly happened sometime afterward, in some other similar situation. As far as I'm concerned, they had no promising future as soon as the thought of raping someone crossed their minds, which I believe was likely well before the crime actually occurred.


        • #94
          I think the really big problem is that in their minds they weren't thinking of raping someone, quite possibly it didn't even occur to them that what they were doing was rape which is kind of indicative of a larger and more serious problem in society.
          I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
          Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


          • #95
            I think "look how raping someone can ruin your whole life" is a great message.
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #96
              Indeed, but a better message would be to actually educate them on what rape is "raping someone will ruin lives" doesn't work as a message if they don't think what their doing is rape.
              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


              • #97
                Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
                "Oh, poor rapists! They had such promising futures! If only that wicked girl hadn't tempted them by getting drunk they would still be good, honest boys!"
                That's pretty much what's been showing up on local (Pittsburgh-area, since Steubenville is just over the state line) message boards. Quite a few people are blaming the victim and calling her a slut. Sure, she made a *mistake.* A mistake, that yes, was in poor judgement...but those assholes didn't have the right to go ahead and rape her. I'm not trying to blame the victim at all--she was bombed out of her mind. There's no way she could have said no, or even fought them off.

                All too often this kind of shit happens, and then it gets brushed under the rug because the perps are "athletes." How do I know this? I've posted about the girl down the street here before. She was maybe 6 or 7 when she was sexually assaulted by a guy much older. That asshole...happened to be on the high school football team. He was never charged. A winning team meant that anyone on the jury was reluctant to find him guilty. Case dropped...and the guy disappeared.

                Now, nearly 15 years later, that girl is all sorts of fucked up. She still has serious emotional problems, which even with counseling, has had a hard time dealing with them.


                • #98
                  I do think its important to point out the dangers of alcohol. But trying to blame the victim... makes me want to reach through the internet and punch someone.

                  Well, if she wasnt drunk
                  If she hadnt dressed like that.
                  If she walked a different path.
                  If she didnt go to that party.
                  If she didnt smile at his bad joke.

                  How about.. if those little monsters didnt commit one of the most heinous crimes its possible for a human to commit.


                  • #99
                    There is so much wallbangerific stupidity in this case.

                    The fact that people think under age drinking is even close the evil of rape just shows how screwed up peoples priorities are. One can (at worst) be chalked up to a stupid decision that doesn't effect anyone else. The other is a deliberate act of violence that causes lifelong emotional scaring. The fuckers even bragged about it on video and on twitter. And yet, the residents of stupidville Ohio actually think the underrage drinking matters in this case?

                    If people are going to get all morally outraged, than they should be outraged about stuff that actually hurts people.


                    • As a male, I'm more offended by the implication that I can't control certain urges because I see a woman wearing a short skirt or passed out on the table or whatever. The "she was asking for it" defense is an insult.

                      but I guess the same could be said for people who blame video games or movies for shootings...


                      • The more I read about this case, and people's reactions to it, the more disgusted I become. I really don't have anythign to say other than that. What the fuck is going on with people?


                        • Originally posted by Jaden View Post
                          The more I read about this case, and people's reactions to it, the more disgusted I become. I really don't have anythign to say other than that. What the fuck is going on with people?
                          They have nothing else going for them but football.
                          Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                          • They are lower than dog shit

                            I honestly believe that the rapists knew full well what they were doing, Anderson Cooper had not only pictures but video on his show. Those assholes are total bastards, and all the people who were blaming the victim and sending her death threats are evil. I wish nothing but the absolute worst for them in life, they had NO remorse they're only sorry that they got arrested and it can't be covered up. The fact that one of the rapists fathers actually said to the victims mother that he "was truly sorry for what happened but can you please find it in your heart to find some leiniancy?" Are you kidding me?! Shit like this makes me want to puke.
                            "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

                            - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America


                            • Originally posted by Panacea View Post
                              They have nothing else going for them but football.
                              ...and that's why they rally around the team, and tend to look the other way. Their high school athletics are the *only* spark of light in that town. I've been to Steubenville, and it's a shithole. Both that town, and neighboring Weirton (WV) suffered heavily when the steel industry imploded in the 1980s. In fact, from 1980 to 2000...the area had the fastest dropping population in the US The mill had such a stronghold on the area, that once it was gone...those that could leave did. Now, there's very little in the way of economic activity. Last time I was there, in the 1990s, there were multiple blocks of boarded-up stores and decrepit houses.


                              • 20/20 is doing a special on this. It started out with an interview with one of the rapists trying to make people feel bad for him. Talking about how promising their futures were and such.

                                Thought about starting a new thread, but since it's basically the same shit, different state, I thought I'd just add it here.


                                Two 18 year old men and a 17 year old raped two 13 year old girls. Naturally, they are getting slut shamed something awful.

                                I really, really don't want to live on this planet anymore. The ignorance in so many humans just doesn't make it worth it.
                                Last edited by Greenday; 03-23-2013, 02:48 AM.
                                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

