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Measles is all sunshine and rainbows?

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  • Measles is all sunshine and rainbows?

    So long story short, a lady publishes an anti-vaccine book that is aimed at children. Thoughts?

  • #2
    My thoughts, this moronic twat and any parents who don't get their children vaccinated should be charged with child endangerment.
    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


    • #3
      This should be considered criminal to be honest. Purposely publishing false medical information is extremely dangerous and reckless and should be punished swiftly.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        Right, because facing DEATH AND BRAIN DAMAGE are a lot more fun than getting a shot you probably wont even know you have after you take off the band aid.


        • #5
          If she believes the information to be true, then she's not "purposely publishing false information." She's just horribly wrong, combined with having an audience.
          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


          • #6
            Yeah, cuz dying tickles, right?
            "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


            • #7
              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
              If she believes the information to be true, then she's not "purposely publishing false information." She's just horribly wrong, combined with having an audience.
              She believes that her son died from a reaction to a vaccine instead of a genetic disease.


              • #8
                Since she's said she's providing "information [about a vaccination/disease]", she should be forced to prove any claims.
                "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                • #9
                  She's doing this for the same reason that other people blame the victim: She can't face the fact that the world is a random and uncaring place.

                  She has to have someone to blame for her son's death because she doesn't have the mental facilities to live in a world where random people die just because.

                  That doesn't make her putting out a book filled with misinformation any less reprehensible, particularly as it's aimed at children.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    My favorite snippet from the article was:
                    "Only people who are not in favour of a free press or free speech would (want it banned)," she said.
                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                    • #11
                      "Only people who are not in favour of a free press or free speech would (want it banned)," she said.
                      There's free speech, but this is spouting falsehoods as plausible truth, enough so that it could cause people to take it as truth, causing untold chaos.

                      So yeah, she might not be prosecuted for simply stating things, but she's passing herself off as an authority on the matter, which means she can be prosecuted for any and all effects this book creates.


                      • #12
                        I am all for free speech. She can disseminate her ridiculous misinformation all she likes. It is up to the parents to do research and make the best deicision for their children; hopefully there are still more intelligent parents than raving loonies out there.

                        The only people who will buy this book are idiots who already don't vaccinate their children and are trying to justify it to the children themselves. "This is why I let you get measles, darling! Isn't it wonderful?"

                        (Everyone I know had chicken pox as a kid and we are all fine, but it was one of the most miserable weeks of my life- which is why I got the son the vaccine. Why would any parent want to see their kid suffer if it was avoiable? Especially something truly dangerous like measles?)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by anakhouri View Post
                          (Everyone I know had chicken pox as a kid and we are all fine, but it was one of the most miserable weeks of my life- which is why I got the son the vaccine. Why would any parent want to see their kid suffer if it was avoiable? Especially something truly dangerous like measles?)
                          Probably to champion their own cause about how natural they are.

                          In regards to the chicken pox vaccine, I'm actually surprised that there are still people out there who will let their kid get it naturally and spread it around freely.
                          Yes I know that natural immunity can happen, but you do need to think of complications.

                          On that note, there's another story in the paper this morning that I will post the link to when I get off the iPad.

                          Basically, the article that I'm referring to in this case is that a parent wanted a completely natural birth for her kid. Doesn't sound so bad right? Well, that went so far as to having had no hep b vaccine (somewhat understandable) but also no vitamin K injection. The newborn died.
                          Now the courts are making the recommendation/order that any future siblings are given the vitamin k injection.


                          • #14
                            I don't think she could be criminally charged with anything in this country, after all folks have to make a conscious decision to read her work and then followed it. If you put that much study into the subject I'd think the parents would also read what others have to say. Jenny McCarthy thinks some childhood vaccine caused her son's autism. Are they right, I don't know but I didn't take the chance with my kids and they had all their shots and few more besides. All I can hope is that my daughters also have my grand-babies vaccinated.
                            I'm old enough to remember the polio scares of the 50's and 60's. My Mom was very leary about who we were allowed to play with or even visit with. I like millions of others have the scar on my arm from the vaccine guns. I don't know how many vaccines we were shot up with but I can tell you that it hurt, but it wasn't cool to cry so I didn't even though I wanted to. Heck even thinking about it now makes my shoulder ache.
                            Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                              I don't think she could be criminally charged with anything in this country, after all folks have to make a conscious decision to read her work and then followed it. If you put that much study into the subject I'd think the parents would also read what others have to say. Jenny McCarthy thinks some childhood vaccine caused her son's autism. Are they right, I don't know but I didn't take the chance with my kids and they had all their shots and few more besides. All I can hope is that my daughters also have my grand-babies vaccinated.
                              Just to clarify, the article and I are both Australian in origin. Laws are slightly different. In terms of medical information, something like vaccinations is something you do not fuck with down here.


                              That's the article about the newborn I was referring to earlier. Basically, the parents wanted an extremely natural birth. That I can understand. However, the "natural" extent was taken so far that the parents requested no injections be provided to the newborn at all (down here, newborns are given a shot of Vitamin K and Hep B at birth-NOT at the same time ). The newborn wound up with bleeding on the brain and died when he/she was 33 days old.

