Sometimes you can have fun with "who's this guy?"
Images of this man pop up occasionally on either zero punctuation or UK based TGWTG contributors
Resulting in people asking who this hansome respectable looking guy is and someone will post a trolling comment (perhaps the video producer) about his great work within the elderly community.
Instead one Harrold Shipman got himself written into the wills of dozzens of elderly women whom he was their GP and then gave them a lethal injection that he managed to cover up for a fair old while.
Images of this man pop up occasionally on either zero punctuation or UK based TGWTG contributors
Resulting in people asking who this hansome respectable looking guy is and someone will post a trolling comment (perhaps the video producer) about his great work within the elderly community.
Instead one Harrold Shipman got himself written into the wills of dozzens of elderly women whom he was their GP and then gave them a lethal injection that he managed to cover up for a fair old while.