A friend of mine recently started an argument on his myspace saying that alcohol consumption should be banned just like the gun (in Australia guns have been banned). His argument? That directly after the Port Arthur shooting all guns were banned, simply due to the ONE incident (first flaw in the argument), that 2 out of 7 road accidents are directly caused because of alcohol abuse but there has been no action to stop it(second flaw) he said that plenty of people complain about gambling and it's adverse affects yet no one complains about abuse of alcohol (third flaw)
now you can probably tell what my opinion of this argument was, I disagreed MAJORLY, however I understand his argument, it's valid he just didn't back it up very well from MY personal opinion.
1. Port Arthur was not the only incident, just the most well known there were many other reasons for the ban
2. There is PLENTY being done to prevent the abuse of alcohol, adds, laws, new RBT units in ALL cop cars, curfews on pubs, clubs and anywhere that sells grog
3. yes, 2 out of 7 accidents are due to the abuse of alcohol, however, how many accidents have there been on the roads? Because of point 2, there has been a decrease in accidents from what I’ve heard (don’t quote me on that) so the number of accidents due to alcohol should have decreased as well.
4. Plenty of people complain about drinking (exhibit A being HIM)
5. More people drink than have guns in Aus, you just try banning it and see what happens...I think there will be a lot of people thrown out of parliament simply for even considering the concept.
So what’s your opinion? Is enough being done to prevent people from abusing alcohol? Should it be banned all together?
now you can probably tell what my opinion of this argument was, I disagreed MAJORLY, however I understand his argument, it's valid he just didn't back it up very well from MY personal opinion.
1. Port Arthur was not the only incident, just the most well known there were many other reasons for the ban
2. There is PLENTY being done to prevent the abuse of alcohol, adds, laws, new RBT units in ALL cop cars, curfews on pubs, clubs and anywhere that sells grog
3. yes, 2 out of 7 accidents are due to the abuse of alcohol, however, how many accidents have there been on the roads? Because of point 2, there has been a decrease in accidents from what I’ve heard (don’t quote me on that) so the number of accidents due to alcohol should have decreased as well.
4. Plenty of people complain about drinking (exhibit A being HIM)
5. More people drink than have guns in Aus, you just try banning it and see what happens...I think there will be a lot of people thrown out of parliament simply for even considering the concept.
So what’s your opinion? Is enough being done to prevent people from abusing alcohol? Should it be banned all together?