Originally posted by insertNameHere
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Some of you know that I photograph railroad equipment as a hobby. I've done it before and after 9/11. Before that date, most railroads didn't care about photography. As long as you weren't doing anything stupid or getting in the way, they didn't mind. Now, things have changed. I've heard of railfans getting harassed or even *busted* because of rail security officers coming up with some interesting interpretations of the laws. Needless to say, according to Trains magazine, such incidents have resulted in plenty of negative press for the railroads in question...not to mention monetary settlements for the individuals involved. All of this stupidity, because it was *claimed* (never proven) that terrorists took a few photos of trains.
And yes, I have been questioned by rail police. I was somewhere along Norfolk Southern's Conemaugh line in 2009...when a white SUV pulled up and asked me what I was doing. Turns out that it was an NS cop

Rather different was what happened near CSX tracks in Grafton, WV. I have been followed many times by rail security there. I've never set foot into the yard or diesel servicing area in Grafton. Yet, I've had their security tail me...even though I always shoot photos from public property. Never had that happen before 9/11.
I admit that what happened in Boston was a tragedy. However, it is *not* an excuse to trample all over our rights. We're all protected by the 4th Amendment regarding unreasonable searches. Sorry, but going to every house on a block and going in...amounts to unreasonable in my book.