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No Candy For You!

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  • No Candy For You!


    This lady somehow received news attention for stating that she's not giving candy to overweight kids. Instead, they'll receive a letter telling them to lose weight.

    Personally, I think the letters are pretty mean spirited. I'm sure she thinks she's some kind of martyr, willing to be hated for her crusade, but she's only going to piss people off. Wouldn't be surprised if her house gets TPed over this stunt.

  • #2
    What a bitch.

    How about, instead of candy, she hands out toys? We handed out glow bracelets a couple of years back (in addition to candy, mind), and the kids loved them. Plus, they were cheaper than the candy was.
    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      a) what qualifies as morbidly obese to her? especially at Halloween, when a kid could easily be wearing a costume. ( or the costume could be padded, depending on what it is a costume OF) especially since she said moderately obese in the letter. Not to mention different definitions of a healthy weight.
      b) for all you know, Halloween is the only time the kid gets candy.
      c) um, "it takes a village to raise a child" isn't literal in this day and age. (indeed, if it ever actually occurred, it would have been in the age when said village actually knew the child well. To be frank, you can't judge how healthy a kid is eating from a quick glance. That candy might be the only candy the kid gets for months, or even the whole year.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
        What a bitch.

        How about, instead of candy, she hands out toys? We handed out glow bracelets a couple of years back (in addition to candy, mind), and the kids loved them. Plus, they were cheaper than the candy was.
        Or just nothing at all.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #5
          She just wants to enjoy her imaginary power trip, waggling her finger at people who are obviously inferior, because they need her advice to live.

          Sure, obesity is a problem in America. But the last thing a fat kid (or whatever she considers t be 'fat') needs is for some cunt to be talking down to them. Trust me, fat kids know they're fat. I was one. Getting a letter like this would have ruined my holiday completely.

          And some kids can eat healthy and exercise a lot, and just go through chubby stages. Me, I give candy to anyone who comes by. They can eat it or not. It's none of my damned business.


          • #6
            When i was a kid, before middle school, I was chubby but healthy. I was a very active kid, and my parents were very careful about how many sweets and stuff I ate. I was just a chubby kid.

            If this had happened to me when I was a child, my dad would have had words with that woman to her face. I lived in the sticks so dad had to drive me around to trick or treat so he was always with me.

            Also, where I live it gets very very cold by October 31st. The joke about Canadian kids needing to fit their costumes over a snowsuit is very true in my part of the world. So I don't see how you could judge a kids weight when they are all bundled up in warm clothes and a costume. Though I don't know what it's like temperature wise in North Dakota.


            • #7
              The way I see it, trick-or-treating is almost better than Christmas anymore. I plan on handing out candy to all the kids. Heck, even my mom is coming over to pass out candy with me since there are way more kids in my area than in hers.


              • #8
                Screw her and the horse she rode in on.

                Who appointed her as the Candy Commissar anyway? Me thinks she didn't get the deal on candy that she wanted, so she's coming up with some cockimammie excuse for not giving candy to some.


                • #9
                  I think it's time the kids start working on the "trick" side.
                  I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                  Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hinakiba777 View Post
                    Also, where I live it gets very very cold by October 31st. The joke about Canadian kids needing to fit their costumes over a snowsuit is very true in my part of the world. So I don't see how you could judge a kids weight when they are all bundled up in warm clothes and a costume. Though I don't know what it's like temperature wise in North Dakota.
                    About the same, this time of year. I lived in Minot for two years.

                    Some kids will look fat when they're not, especially the little ones before a growth spurt. You can't tell if most kids are a healthy weight by looking. BMI doesn't help. It's the growth chart that matters.

                    Yes, some kids are morbidly obese. But making them cry on a night that is supposed to be fun isn't going to encourage them to lose weight. It will just reinforce poor self esteem and depressive feelings of worthlessness.

                    I'm giving out candy this evening (first trick or treaters of the evening are hitting my house even as I type this) to anyone who knocks on my door wearing a costume. Age is irrelevant. I just like seeing what kind of effort people put into their costumes. I'll have to see if Evil Empryss will let me post this year's costume; she made it all herself, and it's taken her almost two months.

                    Lady in the OP needs to lighten up and get a life! I notice she called a radio talk show; she's probably a fat cow herself, the judgmental bitch.
                    Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                    • #11
                      What a bitch, she should just put a sign out that says "NO CANDY". I don't know if this happened to any of you but when I was younger there were a couple of people that gave out pennies, and my aunt Rose used to make up bible verse cards to hand out.
                      "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

                      - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America


                      • #12
                        Sounds like these people who used to live over the road from where I lived when I was a kid. My parents still live there, but the killjoys are long gone. Cuz they used to hand out carrot sticks to trick or treaters, their house was either avoided like the plague by the angelic kids, or egged and floured by the more evil kids. My brothers and I were in between; we didn't throw eggs or flour, but we did take a milk bottle off the doorstep as revenge. Yes, we did bring the empty bottle back. XD

                        That woman's gonna be cleaning eggs off her front door all day November 1st. It just seems really mean spirited to just flat out announce that you're not giving sweets to "fat kids".
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • #13
                          Door never knocked once tonight, cant even recall if it ever got knocked in the last few years either, I also don't recall ever doing it as a child, when we lived in Germany we did although I was too young to really remember it.

                          After moving back to England around 5 years old, I think it was a themed pub event when I actually did anything on the night.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                            What a bitch.

                            How about, instead of candy, she hands out toys? We handed out glow bracelets a couple of years back (in addition to candy, mind), and the kids loved them. Plus, they were cheaper than the candy was.
                            I did a similar thing one year. I worked for major mortgage in the min 1990's. The complex I worked at had an on-site daycare center and on Halloween they brought the kids around the building (some walking some in a super multi-child cart/stroller). Instead of giving out the usual candy I handed out Halloween themed silly straws.
                            I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                            I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                            The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sarah Valentine View Post
                              What a bitch, she should just put a sign out that says "NO CANDY". I don't know if this happened to any of you but when I was younger there were a couple of people that gave out pennies, and my aunt Rose used to make up bible verse cards to hand out.
                              Our local police actually have signs that people can print out to say whether they are accepting trick-or-treaters or not.

                              (My family don't due to their beliefs about Halloween. When I move out next year, I am going to allow it)

