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Tasteless Halloween Costume

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
    Until we start getting pissed at guys dressing as women, we're all a bunch of hypocrites for thinking people wearing makeup to look like a different race are anything to get bent out of shape over. Particularly when it's only when they're doing it to look black.
    I couldn't disagree with you more. People dress up as the opposite gender all the time, for various reasons, and it goes both ways, men as women, women as men, etc. Sometimes even in the same group, i.e., men as cheerleaders, women as football players. Rarely if ever is this considered sexist, as opposed to the large number of people that find dressing up as another race is inherently racist, as it almost always plays to the stereotype of the race being portrayed. And it's not confined to whites dressing as blacks, by the way. I've seen American Indians and Asians also portrayed by members of other races, sometimes in ways I considered tasteful (though others may not have), sometimes in ways that were simply disgraceful and disgusting.

    Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
    Hell, I've seen half a dozen pictures of people dressing up as boston marathon bomb victims, haven't seen any outrage over them
    Were they dumb enough to post such pictures on their twitter account? If so, were they as easily identifiable? I wouldn't doubt other people pulled this costume out of their lame brains, but this woman did so, making her an easy target, and did so after having previously posting both her driver's license and various racy photos of herself online, making her very easily identifiable and an almost irresistible target to many.

    Originally posted by Titi View Post
    She was hacked and she is being targeted for being female.
    What evidence do you have of this? That she was targeted JUST for being a woman?

    All the evidence I've seen suggests she was targeted for her stupidity, specifically a combination of the tasteless costume, being dumb enough to post her license online, and having racy photos of herself easily findable online. A deadly combination for would be "righteous avengers."

    That's all about being an idiot, not about being a woman.


    • #17
      Jester, being targeted for being female, is what STUPID LADY is saying not ME! She should have owned those apologies, but she didn't she says that she was hacked and she didn't write them.

      Despite the backlash, Lynch said she never second-guessed her marathon costume and said multiple people she brought it up to found the idea funny. She claimed she had seen other people on Twitter dressed as Boston Marathon victims, and blamed the uproar around her costume, rather than around others’, on the fact that she is a woman.
      This is from this Buzzfeed article:


      • #18
        How about this costume???
        Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


        • #19
          Or the girls who dressed up as the Twin Towers being attacked ...

          What the hell are some people thinking??


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
            In what sense is this a costume?
            "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
            We are contented, because he says we are
            He really meant it when he says we've come so far


            • #21
              Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
              In what sense is this a costume?
              If you're not a practicing nudist, it's a costume.

              A really lazy and, honestly, not particularly sexy one, but still...
              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                Naturally, that girl is a Sun Devil.

                Apparently her "costume" was naked human. Personally, I give her props for it, and don't find it tasteless at all.

                Go Devils!

