...even if you were screwed by the company.
It seems that certain online stores and merchants are putting in a non-disparagement clause in their Terms of Service. You know, the thing you just hit "yeah, yeah, just send me my [item]" when you check out?
Some of these companies are now saying that if you write a negative review, they're going to charge you. This one couple ordered something, never got it (and in fact the company never claimed the money from PayPal). They wrote a negative review on a site posting negative merchant experiences, scams and frauds and the company sent them a letter saying that if you don't take it down within 48 hours...you'l be charged $3,500.
Since they couldn't remove the post from the site, they were send the bill and when they didn't pay (and frankly who the @#$% would?) it sent to collections. They're taking it to court but it's an ongoing battle between asshole merchants and the spending public.
So...make sure that you don't get fucked in the ass with a cactus by these people and read the ToS when you checkout.
Either that or simply stop posting reviews on your shopping items.
Which leaves me to wonder when they'll start saying that if you buy from us you *MUST* post a positive review or we eat your babies (or something).
It seems that certain online stores and merchants are putting in a non-disparagement clause in their Terms of Service. You know, the thing you just hit "yeah, yeah, just send me my [item]" when you check out?
Some of these companies are now saying that if you write a negative review, they're going to charge you. This one couple ordered something, never got it (and in fact the company never claimed the money from PayPal). They wrote a negative review on a site posting negative merchant experiences, scams and frauds and the company sent them a letter saying that if you don't take it down within 48 hours...you'l be charged $3,500.
Since they couldn't remove the post from the site, they were send the bill and when they didn't pay (and frankly who the @#$% would?) it sent to collections. They're taking it to court but it's an ongoing battle between asshole merchants and the spending public.
So...make sure that you don't get fucked in the ass with a cactus by these people and read the ToS when you checkout.
Either that or simply stop posting reviews on your shopping items.
Which leaves me to wonder when they'll start saying that if you buy from us you *MUST* post a positive review or we eat your babies (or something).