So by now most of you have heard of that fucknut Elliot Rodger out in Santa Barbara who killed 6 people and injured 13 because he was a 22 year old virgin who'd never been kissed.
I don't know how many of you have bothered to watch some of the videos he posted online. I have. Yes, his last one was disturbing, but all of them, including that last one, were more pathetic than anything. Feel free to go watch them (though be warned, they go from creepy to downright disturbing), but here are the highlights:
"Life is unfair. Women are cruel. I've never had sex, or even been kissed, and it's all the fault of all these women, who didn't give me any sex or attention, though I clearly deserve it, since I'm good looking, a gentleman, nice, dress nice, have nice sunglasses, and drive a bitchin' BMW. I can't understand why they're having sex and dating all these guys that are clearly less amazing than me, so clearly I'm gonna have to show them how awesome I am by killing as many of them and their brutish unworthy boyfriends as I can."
This is the "Nice Guy" syndrome drawn to its ultimate psychopathic conclusion. And make no mistake, Rodger is a psychopath. Or sociopath. Whatever. I'm not sure the distinction matters in this instance. But we can't just dismiss what he did because he was nuts. He WAS nuts, but we should still look closer.
There are genuine nice guys who don't always do well with the ladies. They may bitch about the unfairness of it all, and how the Universe/world/life isn't fair, as they're are far more deserving of girls in general or a specific girl in particular than the guy(s) said girl(s) ended up giving their affection, but overall, these guys only blame the unfairness of Life itself, which we're all familiar with, and have blamed for various maladies in our own lives from time to time. I've been there. I've been this type of nice guy. And eventually, after a bit of venting, gnashing of teeth and rending of hair (and copious amounts of alcohol), I got over it and moved the fuck on with my life.
Then there are "Nice Guys." We've talked about these douchebags before. These are not nerds, but wannabe nerds, which is a scary concept in itself. These fuckheads cants believe there's any reason why girls aren't falling all over them, so they rationalize it be saying they're "Nice Guys" and that, clearly, women have no real interest in guys who are nice, because these "Nice Guys" aren't making any romantic or (more commonly) sexual headway with the object(s) of their affection. And I use the word object(s) quite intentionally, as that is how these "Nice Guys" view women: as objects, targets to aim for, and prizes to be won. And Hollywood, while not to blame for this, isn't helping with the preponderance of "hopeless nerd gets holy shit hawt girl against all logical odds" movies. The problem with these guys is not just that they can't let their "Life isn't fair" thing go, but also that they don't blame Life or the Universe in general for being unfair, but women, both individually and as a group. WOMEN are denying them what they clearly deserve. What other reason could there be for these "Nice Guys" not getting laid/getting girlfriends?
And that brings us to Elliot Rodger. His philosophy was the exact same as the "Nice Guys" above. The ONLY difference is that he was a violent psychopath who decided the only way to show these girls the error of their ways was to kill as many of them as possible. The typical "Nice Guy" would have proven his superiority to the women who scorned them by finding a hotter, more awesome girlfriend. (Or would have just continued wallowing in their misery and venting about the unfairness of women.)
The point is, both typical "Nice Guys" and Psycho Elliot blamed WOMEN for their lack of success with women, ignoring two basic things:
1. Maybe, just maybe, women didn't hook up with them because of their pisspoor attitude.
2. Life is often unfair. Taking it personally doesn't change the fact that everyone deals with unfairness in their lives.
Now, if you have the temerity and fortitude to watch Rodger's videos, perhaps you'll come across some of the same conclusions I did about his particular case:
--From what I could gather from his (scarily coherent and chillingly lucid) commentary, it seemed he thought women would just flock to him, adore him, and fuck him just because he was attractive, dressed right, drove a nice car, and was nice.....without him actually making any effort. I can't say for certain, but it seemed to me that he never actually approached any women, or if he did, that he never made any attempt at romance or intimacy, assuming it would merely come to him.
--Women may have not desired him or made any moves on him because, at least in the videos, he's fucking creepy. Not over the top creepy, but definitely creepy.
--Women may have not desired him or made any moves on him because he was a whiny little bitch. At one point in my life, I was a whiny little bitch, too. I didn't get laid. I stopped being so whiny and bitchy, at least in public. Guess what? I got laid more. Shocking how that works. Did it work all the time? No, of course not. But I had better odds by coming across as a guy with some amount of self-respect and confidence than as a whiny little bitch, or as an entitled little fuck that felt the world owed him something.
--He clearly hated other guys, who he felt were all inferior to him, especially if they had what he considered to be hot girlfriends. I have at times in my life wondered what certain girls saw in certain guys, sure, but to hate ALL guys with hot girlfriends and ALL couples just because I wasn't getting any love or action, as Rodger did? Never would have occurred to me.
In the end, Elliot Rodger is the logical conclusion for the "Nice Guys" who feel that women owe them sex, dates, and/or loves simply for being decent guys. When women don't come through in their part of the bargain, they clearly deserve to be punished.
So for any "Nice Guys" who feel that women owe them something just because they're not assholes, here's a very simple, very direct message:
No they don't. Women don't owe you anything. Life doesn't owe you anything. And if a woman is not attracted to you, move the fuck on, and find one that is. And grow a pair, and approach her, and talk to her. You will get shot down more often than you succeed. But if you just stand there being "nice" expecting some sexual or romantic reward for it, you're going to be disapointed, and you're going to grow more and more bitter. And eventually, you might be the next Elliot Rodger. Which means you're going to go from a guy who's not getting any attention to a guy who is hated, who is reviled, whose own family has said they will not mourn his passing, and who is dead.
In other words, enough of this "Nice Guy" shit. Moping and venting is one thing. Blaming women for your failure with women is idiotic. It's YOUR failure, not THEIRS.
And by the way, Elliot Rodger, my only regret with you is that I didn't get a chance to meet you before you did all this. Because you seriously deserved an ass-kicking. I don't know that that would have altered the outcome, but as you were a coward, who knows? It might have.
Jester OUT.
I don't know how many of you have bothered to watch some of the videos he posted online. I have. Yes, his last one was disturbing, but all of them, including that last one, were more pathetic than anything. Feel free to go watch them (though be warned, they go from creepy to downright disturbing), but here are the highlights:
"Life is unfair. Women are cruel. I've never had sex, or even been kissed, and it's all the fault of all these women, who didn't give me any sex or attention, though I clearly deserve it, since I'm good looking, a gentleman, nice, dress nice, have nice sunglasses, and drive a bitchin' BMW. I can't understand why they're having sex and dating all these guys that are clearly less amazing than me, so clearly I'm gonna have to show them how awesome I am by killing as many of them and their brutish unworthy boyfriends as I can."
This is the "Nice Guy" syndrome drawn to its ultimate psychopathic conclusion. And make no mistake, Rodger is a psychopath. Or sociopath. Whatever. I'm not sure the distinction matters in this instance. But we can't just dismiss what he did because he was nuts. He WAS nuts, but we should still look closer.
There are genuine nice guys who don't always do well with the ladies. They may bitch about the unfairness of it all, and how the Universe/world/life isn't fair, as they're are far more deserving of girls in general or a specific girl in particular than the guy(s) said girl(s) ended up giving their affection, but overall, these guys only blame the unfairness of Life itself, which we're all familiar with, and have blamed for various maladies in our own lives from time to time. I've been there. I've been this type of nice guy. And eventually, after a bit of venting, gnashing of teeth and rending of hair (and copious amounts of alcohol), I got over it and moved the fuck on with my life.
Then there are "Nice Guys." We've talked about these douchebags before. These are not nerds, but wannabe nerds, which is a scary concept in itself. These fuckheads cants believe there's any reason why girls aren't falling all over them, so they rationalize it be saying they're "Nice Guys" and that, clearly, women have no real interest in guys who are nice, because these "Nice Guys" aren't making any romantic or (more commonly) sexual headway with the object(s) of their affection. And I use the word object(s) quite intentionally, as that is how these "Nice Guys" view women: as objects, targets to aim for, and prizes to be won. And Hollywood, while not to blame for this, isn't helping with the preponderance of "hopeless nerd gets holy shit hawt girl against all logical odds" movies. The problem with these guys is not just that they can't let their "Life isn't fair" thing go, but also that they don't blame Life or the Universe in general for being unfair, but women, both individually and as a group. WOMEN are denying them what they clearly deserve. What other reason could there be for these "Nice Guys" not getting laid/getting girlfriends?
And that brings us to Elliot Rodger. His philosophy was the exact same as the "Nice Guys" above. The ONLY difference is that he was a violent psychopath who decided the only way to show these girls the error of their ways was to kill as many of them as possible. The typical "Nice Guy" would have proven his superiority to the women who scorned them by finding a hotter, more awesome girlfriend. (Or would have just continued wallowing in their misery and venting about the unfairness of women.)
The point is, both typical "Nice Guys" and Psycho Elliot blamed WOMEN for their lack of success with women, ignoring two basic things:
1. Maybe, just maybe, women didn't hook up with them because of their pisspoor attitude.
2. Life is often unfair. Taking it personally doesn't change the fact that everyone deals with unfairness in their lives.
Now, if you have the temerity and fortitude to watch Rodger's videos, perhaps you'll come across some of the same conclusions I did about his particular case:
--From what I could gather from his (scarily coherent and chillingly lucid) commentary, it seemed he thought women would just flock to him, adore him, and fuck him just because he was attractive, dressed right, drove a nice car, and was nice.....without him actually making any effort. I can't say for certain, but it seemed to me that he never actually approached any women, or if he did, that he never made any attempt at romance or intimacy, assuming it would merely come to him.
--Women may have not desired him or made any moves on him because, at least in the videos, he's fucking creepy. Not over the top creepy, but definitely creepy.
--Women may have not desired him or made any moves on him because he was a whiny little bitch. At one point in my life, I was a whiny little bitch, too. I didn't get laid. I stopped being so whiny and bitchy, at least in public. Guess what? I got laid more. Shocking how that works. Did it work all the time? No, of course not. But I had better odds by coming across as a guy with some amount of self-respect and confidence than as a whiny little bitch, or as an entitled little fuck that felt the world owed him something.
--He clearly hated other guys, who he felt were all inferior to him, especially if they had what he considered to be hot girlfriends. I have at times in my life wondered what certain girls saw in certain guys, sure, but to hate ALL guys with hot girlfriends and ALL couples just because I wasn't getting any love or action, as Rodger did? Never would have occurred to me.
In the end, Elliot Rodger is the logical conclusion for the "Nice Guys" who feel that women owe them sex, dates, and/or loves simply for being decent guys. When women don't come through in their part of the bargain, they clearly deserve to be punished.
So for any "Nice Guys" who feel that women owe them something just because they're not assholes, here's a very simple, very direct message:
No they don't. Women don't owe you anything. Life doesn't owe you anything. And if a woman is not attracted to you, move the fuck on, and find one that is. And grow a pair, and approach her, and talk to her. You will get shot down more often than you succeed. But if you just stand there being "nice" expecting some sexual or romantic reward for it, you're going to be disapointed, and you're going to grow more and more bitter. And eventually, you might be the next Elliot Rodger. Which means you're going to go from a guy who's not getting any attention to a guy who is hated, who is reviled, whose own family has said they will not mourn his passing, and who is dead.
In other words, enough of this "Nice Guy" shit. Moping and venting is one thing. Blaming women for your failure with women is idiotic. It's YOUR failure, not THEIRS.
And by the way, Elliot Rodger, my only regret with you is that I didn't get a chance to meet you before you did all this. Because you seriously deserved an ass-kicking. I don't know that that would have altered the outcome, but as you were a coward, who knows? It might have.
Jester OUT.