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That Son Of A Bitch...

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  • That Son Of A Bitch...

    It's all I can say about Michael Savage who went on some macho rant about how week willed the nation is. This is standard far right rhetoric, but he takes it a step further by directing his rant toward a Veteran suffering from PSTD. He also manages to throw in insults toward Robin Williams and those who choose not to get married or have kids. Nice.

    This is a personal button for me since I suffer from depression myself and despise the attitude displayed by the likes of Savage. But I would have never thought any of them would stoop as low to insult Veterans with PSTD.

  • #2
    For someone who's complaining about people crying, he sounds like a huge baby. He should at least be thankful that he came out of his own military service without any common lasting OH WAIT A MINUTE!

    In other news, along with treating depression, these following things are also signs of weakness: undergoing chemotherapy to fight cancer, having a cast put on your broken leg, getting a rabies shot and stitches after being attacked by a wild animal, wearing corrective lenses, attempting to stop bleeding after you've been cut...

    I swear, these hate-mongering radio personalities sound like someone found a crazy hobo ranting on a street corner and gave them a microphone. What people like this say has no basis in fact or reality. He could be ranting about Martians manipulating Americans into voting Obama by controlling their thoughts through their dental fillings and would be exactly as true as the linked rant. The problem is, more people listen to this hate-filled bullshit and take it to heart than the Martian thing.
    "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
    We are contented, because he says we are
    He really meant it when he says we've come so far


    • #3
      The problem with free speech is the idiots that come out of the woodwork.

      However, it's MUCH better to have free speech and then deal with the idiots that come later than to have no say at all, right?


      • #4
        If putting up with morons like this is the price to pay for free speech, I'll pay it gladly. It has the added bonus of letting you know exactly who is a horrible person, instead of having to guess.

        I do worry about him and many others poisoning the minds of the easily suggestible and the ill-informed.
        "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
        We are contented, because he says we are
        He really meant it when he says we've come so far


        • #5
          Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
          If putting up with morons like this is the price to pay for free speech, I'll pay it gladly. It has the added bonus of letting you know exactly who is a horrible person, instead of having to guess.

          I do worry about him and many others poisoning the minds of the easily suggestible and the ill-informed.
          Please, let the idiots rant, then I know who not to vote for if they run for office!


          • #6
            I have PTSD. My grandfather, the one who fought in the trenches in WW2 and is part of the great generation in question, had PTSD. He killed himself after coming home from the war because of it. So did his brother. I never met either one.

            Fuck this man with a dead turtle.


            • #7

              My Grandfather also fought in the war. From what I remember, he say a lot of terrible things. While I'm not sure if he had PSTD, I'm pretty sure he would put a foot up this clowns ass for being such an insensitive prick.


              • #8
                My Grandfather, may he rest in peace, was also in WWII, fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He never spoke of his experiences, but I'm sure he saw some awful things, things that would rend your soul.

                He was the kindest, sweetest man ever, but I'm quite sure he would've ripped Mr. Savage several new ones if he heard that drivel.
                People behave as if they were actors in their own reality show. -- Panacea
                If you're gonna be one of the people who say it's time to make America great again, stop being one of the reasons America isn't great right now. --Jester


                • #9
                  I'm not entirely sure if my grandfather counts as having fought in WW2 (it was descried to me as he was in supply- I don't know what that means as far as MOS, since he was definitely a soldier. I also know he was captured at least once) but yeah... I'm not sure if he would have beaten the crap out of this asshole, but my gtandmother would.

