Ugh, I'm this type of player too. Though for me its partly sniping sure but also partly recon. Its not even so much the sniping as it is being able to see the whole battlefield and make decisions from there or call out things for my team. Especially in games like Battlefield where you have a report/scout/mark button to radio enemy sightings.
I can't think of a modern FPS where sniping is really a problem anymore though. Most modern games are balanced around it. You can't snipe without team support to watch your figurative back and modern games have tightened up aiming with mechanics like bullet drop and travel time as well as hit locations. Instead of the old school hit scan is the dot on you well you're dead now. Which could be a real problem before.
Most of the ill will towards sniper players is a hold over from the original Counter-Strike. Where the AWP would instant kill you even if it hit you in the toe and the game mechanics lend themselves to doing cheezy things like pulling all the hostages into a bathroom and camping there. Couple that with bullet penetration and the game's original dubious hit boxes and the HL2 engine's original net code. It would get real tiresome real fast. Then after you did get sniped you often sat for 3-5+ minutes in spectator for the rest of the round.
Prior to that it wasn't much of a thing. There was no sniping in Doom and Quake 1/2 rail gunning was more about twitch aiming then sniping. Because standing still in Quake 1/2 would get you killed pretty quick.
The other aspect of it though is that in any given game half the people that want to be a sniper can't play a sniper for the life of them and undermine the team by doing so. This is especially true in class based shooters ala Team Fortress 2. Where the team never, ever needs more than a pair of snipers or so ( same with spies ) but lots of kiddies like the play them.
Ironically, I always found that the people that get mad at me for sniping are often the same people exploiting whatever the unbalanced flavour of the month weapon is to cheese up kills. Like me sniping a couple members of their team is somehow a more horrific offensive then them nade spamming half the map. Then pulling out the classic argument that its totally legit because if the developers didn't want it used that way it wouldn't be in the game.
IE the war cry of talentless gamer hacks everywhere in every genre. >.>
I can't think of a modern FPS where sniping is really a problem anymore though. Most modern games are balanced around it. You can't snipe without team support to watch your figurative back and modern games have tightened up aiming with mechanics like bullet drop and travel time as well as hit locations. Instead of the old school hit scan is the dot on you well you're dead now. Which could be a real problem before.
Most of the ill will towards sniper players is a hold over from the original Counter-Strike. Where the AWP would instant kill you even if it hit you in the toe and the game mechanics lend themselves to doing cheezy things like pulling all the hostages into a bathroom and camping there. Couple that with bullet penetration and the game's original dubious hit boxes and the HL2 engine's original net code. It would get real tiresome real fast. Then after you did get sniped you often sat for 3-5+ minutes in spectator for the rest of the round.
Prior to that it wasn't much of a thing. There was no sniping in Doom and Quake 1/2 rail gunning was more about twitch aiming then sniping. Because standing still in Quake 1/2 would get you killed pretty quick.
The other aspect of it though is that in any given game half the people that want to be a sniper can't play a sniper for the life of them and undermine the team by doing so. This is especially true in class based shooters ala Team Fortress 2. Where the team never, ever needs more than a pair of snipers or so ( same with spies ) but lots of kiddies like the play them.
Ironically, I always found that the people that get mad at me for sniping are often the same people exploiting whatever the unbalanced flavour of the month weapon is to cheese up kills. Like me sniping a couple members of their team is somehow a more horrific offensive then them nade spamming half the map. Then pulling out the classic argument that its totally legit because if the developers didn't want it used that way it wouldn't be in the game.
IE the war cry of talentless gamer hacks everywhere in every genre. >.>