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  • #31
    Either it didn't occur to the editor that it could be seen that way which is scary enough
    Begging your pardon for going off the topic of feminism (I'll try to add in some comments on that after class), but...

    I respectfully and strongly disagree.

    I think that if it never occured to the editor that the monkey might be seen as racist is absofragginlutely wonderful! It means the editor is a product of more tolerant times, and wasn't exposed to near as much racism (or, over-sensitivity) as some. A monkey is an animal with a funny-looking face, which some human faces and facial expressions somewhat resemble. Monkey might also refer to someone easily manipulable, or low in skill or intellect, or just plain silly. This is what I think of when I hear monkey.

    I have never, ever, heard monkey used in conversation to refer to someone of (any) color. I've only heard it in the above, equal-opportunity-ridicule/tease context. Oh, sure, I've heard it talked about on the news how someone said "monkey" and some overly-sensitive minority person took offense, but I have never heard it in actual conversation. And I live in the South. You know, that bastion of hatred, racism, and intolerance.

    'sides. Everyone knows the French are the real monkeys. Cheese-eating surrender-monkeys that is!


    • #32
      Well, yay for your very small sample size managing to not use one racist stereotype.
      Unfortunately, history has not been so kind.

      That an editor of a large paper was so ignorant of that link between simians and blacks and that it would disturb a large enough portion of his readership that it made the news on multiple outlets shows a shocking naivete at best, stupidity or wanton ignorance at worst.


      • #33
        If I could be sure that the editor had made their decision because the racist overtones had been consigned to the dustbin of history, then I wouldn't mind the cartoon. However, I just don't know that I can say that.

        I'm not certain how this has developed into such a conversation from feminism, though. Can we get it back on track, please?

        Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
        Reclaiming words is fun!

