This rather bizarre saga has been going on in the news the last couple days and just keeps getting more fucked up each day.
The initial story from the family was that after a road rage incident and a collision someone followed the victim and her daughter home and shot her in her driveway. The son returned fire. Crazy tragedy.
Buuuuut the next day the story changed after some police investigation. In the second version there was a road rage incident ( but no collision ), the mother and daughter drove home, then the mother got her son ( and his gun ), got back in the car and went out looking for the other driver. They found him, and THEN he followed them home and there was an exchange of gunfire between him and them and the mother was killed.
And now the family's story has changed again. Police have a suspect in custody and it turns out the family knew who the other guy was all along and he basically lives a block or so away. Meaning that after the supposed road rage incident mom came home, told her son to get his gun and come with her, and they went out hunting for him vigilante style. Which ended up leading to a confrontation of some sort, he followed them back to their place and a gun fight ensued wherein she was killed.
Now the father is saying that the suspect was a troubled teen / drug dealer / gangbanger / etc that his wife had spent countless hours helping and counselling. ( Which is why she had to hunt him down with her gun toting son I guess ). But given he and the son have already lied to the police twice who knows at this point.
Everyone involved sounds crazy.
From the gun wielding son's Facebook:
So he seems perfectly reasonable to be armed and driving.
I'm sure tomorrow will reveal even more fucked up details of what really happened.
The initial story from the family was that after a road rage incident and a collision someone followed the victim and her daughter home and shot her in her driveway. The son returned fire. Crazy tragedy.
Buuuuut the next day the story changed after some police investigation. In the second version there was a road rage incident ( but no collision ), the mother and daughter drove home, then the mother got her son ( and his gun ), got back in the car and went out looking for the other driver. They found him, and THEN he followed them home and there was an exchange of gunfire between him and them and the mother was killed.
And now the family's story has changed again. Police have a suspect in custody and it turns out the family knew who the other guy was all along and he basically lives a block or so away. Meaning that after the supposed road rage incident mom came home, told her son to get his gun and come with her, and they went out hunting for him vigilante style. Which ended up leading to a confrontation of some sort, he followed them back to their place and a gun fight ensued wherein she was killed.
Now the father is saying that the suspect was a troubled teen / drug dealer / gangbanger / etc that his wife had spent countless hours helping and counselling. ( Which is why she had to hunt him down with her gun toting son I guess ). But given he and the son have already lied to the police twice who knows at this point.
Everyone involved sounds crazy.
From the gun wielding son's Facebook:
Now i know why i don't go down to Fremont. If Michelle would have stopped the car, I would have fucking beat the brakes off this dude. He tried to walk in front of michelle's car, while we were trying to turn! The cross walk hand was red! There wasn't a little white dude on the thing. So he decided to get crazy and flip us off.... I flipped him off as well! Then he called her a bitch....... So i rolled down the window and told him i was going to fuck him up. So as soon as i took off the seat belt, and unlocked the door, Michelle booked it... I fucking hate people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure tomorrow will reveal even more fucked up details of what really happened.