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$15 minimum wage...I know I'm poking the bear, but...

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  • Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post
    "they don't get it either".
    Is there anything incorrect in that assertion?

    You seem incapable of doing the last part because every time you're challenged you deflect and point to others, as evidenced by even this response to me.
    And? Like any of you have never done the same.

    It's rather pitiable.
    ...and there's the condescension.

    But hey, you want another example? How about the Democrat/Liberal "narrative" that all Republicans/Conservatives "hate" brown people? Fact. You can't say that doesn't happen.

    Or that Republicans/Conservatives "hate" X, Y, or Z group just because they're X, Y, or Z group?

    Or perhaps the "simplistic" arguments that are always put forth?


    • Originally posted by mjr View Post
      Is there anything incorrect in that assertion?
      Not particularly, but my argument is that it's inapplicable to challenges to your knowledge. What other people who are uninvolved in the current argument know or don't has no bearing on the argument.

      And? Like any of you have never done the same.
      Then call us on it. That's how we clarify arguments and challenge points. You seem to be doing the most deflecting though.

      ...and there's the condescension.
      Or just pity because I think it's a shame that you want to be so angry at a group you willingly joined.

      But hey, you want another example? How about the Democrat/Liberal "narrative" that all Republicans/Conservatives "hate" brown people? Fact. You can't say that doesn't happen.

      Or that Republicans/Conservatives "hate" X, Y, or Z group just because they're X, Y, or Z group?

      Or perhaps the "simplistic" arguments that are always put forth?
      What's that got to do with my argument about your behavior on here or the argument of the topic? But I can easily say it doesn't happen if you don't present verifiable proof. And that typically means pointing to more sources than ones that have a confirmed bias in one direction or another.

      Further, can I express my amusement that you're throwing these accusations at someone who identifies as a Conservative?

      Now, to get back on topic, a new study just released:

      The conclusion of said study is that raising the minimum wage would do little to actually help the budget of government assistance because those it would affect only account for 12% of the expenditure. It further posits that it would hurt as much as help because it seems to be presuming that there will be automatic job loss that would overcome any benefit.

      But I think that thesis is still not looking at one of the big issues with the whole situation which is CEO salary and company profit margins. I don't have a problem with companies making a buck, but when you're doing it at the cost of your workers and your service then maybe there's a problem. Especially when we can compare to other nations that have higher minimum wages yet lower unemployment.
      I has a blog!


      • Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post
        Not particularly, but my argument is that it's inapplicable to challenges to your knowledge. What other people who are uninvolved in the current argument know or don't has no bearing on the argument.
        I would posit that my knowledge, overall, is no greater/lesser than any of yours.

        Then call us on it.
        I would, but we both know how that would go.

        Or just pity because I think it's a shame that you want to be so angry at a group you willingly joined.
        Oh, I know that I willingly joined. And you're mistaken if you think this is "anger". I've just seen "the game" played enough times to know when it's happening. I find it a bit amusing, though, that you guys are the ones losing your minds over me. Cue denial of that in 3, 2, 1...

        But I can easily say it doesn't happen if you don't present verifiable proof. And that typically means pointing to more sources than ones that have a confirmed bias in one direction or another.
        That's what's known as a "cop out".

        Further, can I express my amusement that you're throwing these accusations at someone who identifies as a Conservative?
        Good for you. You can express that amusement all you want. Not gonna ruin my day, week, or year.

        But I think that thesis is still not looking at one of the big issues with the whole situation which is CEO salary and company profit margins.
        Have you looked at profit margins? As an actual percentage? For a lot of these companies, it's not really very high -- at all.


        • Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post
          Further, can I express my amusement that you're throwing these accusations at someone who identifies as a Conservative?
          Apparently, your definition of "Conservative" and mine differ. So I have to ask, how do you define "Conservative"?


          • What the fark is going on here? You're completely off the rails now.


            • Now, look. Just because this is a debate site doesn't mean it's allowed to be a fucking free-for-all. Tone it down.

              Sometimes it's best to step away and come back later. It's not that serious.

              Last edited by Peppergirl; 12-20-2015, 02:04 PM.

