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Baltimore's Ripple Effects are Widespread

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  • Baltimore's Ripple Effects are Widespread

    They've reached Greensboro, which during the history of this city, has had its share of racial incidents.

    Short version: 17 year old "outraged" by the events of the Baltimore riots decided to use social media to set up a riot at the mall - and that includes harrassing/assaulting police officers.

    Needless to say, he's in jail now and Dad won't bail him out.

    Even more thought provoking than that was an article I read just this morning in the local paper:

    This article does share the opinion that what happened recently in Baltimore, as well as North Charleston and Ferguson could also happen right here in my own backyard.

    Not surprising in the least. If November 3 1979 or the Greensboro Uprising of 1969 the recent selection of a yet another white police chief from within the department (one potential candidate was a black female from Oakland, CA) has really pushed some buttons here.

    Also, according to the N&R article this morning, Greensboro has been described as having "amnesia" in regards to racial incidents. Kinda hard for the city to have amnesia when every time we turned around for 30 odd years you heard about the "massacre" of 1979 being mentioned in the news.

    At the same time though, could be b/c our esteemed city leaders are more concerned with whatever their next big budget project is instead of the well being of the entire citizenry of Greensboro.
    If life hands you lemons . . . find someone whose life is handing them vodka . . . and have a party - Ron "Tater Salad" White

  • #2
    If he'd set up a picket line or petition drive, I'd be totally on his side. But a riot? No. There's a right way and a wrong way to protest. Yes, things have been very bad, but bringing more violence is not the way to solve the problem or earn anybody's sympathy.
    People behave as if they were actors in their own reality show. -- Panacea
    If you're gonna be one of the people who say it's time to make America great again, stop being one of the reasons America isn't great right now. --Jester


    • #3
      What happened with the Scales brothers could have so easily been what happened in Ferguson. They were stopped by a white cop for walking in the street, much like Michael Brown was. At least one of them was drunk.

      The good thing is, the officer was disciplined in the Scales case. But yeah, blacks in Greensboro have little reason to trust the police and all it will take is a spark to set the city off.
      Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.

