I'd love to see the new ghostbusters film but the only movie theater in town is literally only showing it in 3d. there isn't a single 2d showing on their schedule. I'm sick of this, it was bad enough when it was 1 2d showing and 8 3d showings but now to not even give the option?
Even if 3d wasn't some headache eyestrain inducing blur for me I'd still prefer to just watch the movie in 2d. Oh and that little notice about how closed captioning and descriptive video are available for their impaired customers? fuck you further. How about the customers that are impaired where they don't need those features but can't see 3d.
Even if 3d wasn't some headache eyestrain inducing blur for me I'd still prefer to just watch the movie in 2d. Oh and that little notice about how closed captioning and descriptive video are available for their impaired customers? fuck you further. How about the customers that are impaired where they don't need those features but can't see 3d.