Just a few weeks ago at work, my coworker Michelle and I were showing our other coworker Mo what the under 21 ID's look like (I'm over 21 now, but I can still keep this ID until it expires) and Mo noticed the "donor" sticker on my ID.
It sparked a huge spectacle. "I would never donate my organs, they are MINE!" was her reason.
"What are you going to do with your precious organs when you're dead, Mo?" we challenged her. "What use will they be to you?"
Of course, she couldn't answer.
I've been down this road before. My parents refused to let me be a donor until I was 18 years old or had my own insurance policy. (as in, yes, my parents would NOT let me select to be a donor because they were being cheap. Oh, the horror, if I die and someone could use my organs, my family MIGHT have to pay to ship my organs off! So no signing up to be an organ donor until I had my own insurance policy).
I'm a donor and damn proud of it. Why take your organs to heaven with you when heaven knows that we need them here on Earth? Unless there is some legit medical reason you cannot donate, why be so selfish? What do you need your organs for if you're dead?!
And for organ donation if you're still alive (say, donating a kidney to your parent), again, unless you have a real legit medical reason, why would you NOT want to help a family member? What is wrong with people? My cousin pulled that stunt when her father needed a kidney. She threw a fit over getting tested to see if she were a match, flat out refused to do it. Her sister tested a match, but the doctors gave her Hell for it because of her age (prime childbearing age and all, *puke*) and she fought it and fought it until they let her. Personally, I'd rather save my family member than let them get sicker or die just so I can pop out some rotten bratty little shit that will never be able to replace my family member. If any doctor ever dared tell me that me having a baby was more important than saving my father's life, I dare say I'd be in jail for assault.
However, there is one type of donation that I won't do....and maybe it makes me sound like a hypocrite....but I CANNOT do blood or plasma. The money makes it really hard to say no, but at the same time, the rate in which I exercise, the amount of time I put into working out...and seeing how weak and tired a lot of people get from donating...I can't do it. I have a few coworkers who donate every week, and one of them has passed out from doing it multiple times. I don't see why she keeps doing it.
But other than that...seriously. Are you telling me you're really going to try to horde your organs when you're dead? And is money that fucking important that it's worth more to save yourself money than saving someone else's life?!
It sparked a huge spectacle. "I would never donate my organs, they are MINE!" was her reason.
"What are you going to do with your precious organs when you're dead, Mo?" we challenged her. "What use will they be to you?"
Of course, she couldn't answer.
I've been down this road before. My parents refused to let me be a donor until I was 18 years old or had my own insurance policy. (as in, yes, my parents would NOT let me select to be a donor because they were being cheap. Oh, the horror, if I die and someone could use my organs, my family MIGHT have to pay to ship my organs off! So no signing up to be an organ donor until I had my own insurance policy).
I'm a donor and damn proud of it. Why take your organs to heaven with you when heaven knows that we need them here on Earth? Unless there is some legit medical reason you cannot donate, why be so selfish? What do you need your organs for if you're dead?!
And for organ donation if you're still alive (say, donating a kidney to your parent), again, unless you have a real legit medical reason, why would you NOT want to help a family member? What is wrong with people? My cousin pulled that stunt when her father needed a kidney. She threw a fit over getting tested to see if she were a match, flat out refused to do it. Her sister tested a match, but the doctors gave her Hell for it because of her age (prime childbearing age and all, *puke*) and she fought it and fought it until they let her. Personally, I'd rather save my family member than let them get sicker or die just so I can pop out some rotten bratty little shit that will never be able to replace my family member. If any doctor ever dared tell me that me having a baby was more important than saving my father's life, I dare say I'd be in jail for assault.
However, there is one type of donation that I won't do....and maybe it makes me sound like a hypocrite....but I CANNOT do blood or plasma. The money makes it really hard to say no, but at the same time, the rate in which I exercise, the amount of time I put into working out...and seeing how weak and tired a lot of people get from donating...I can't do it. I have a few coworkers who donate every week, and one of them has passed out from doing it multiple times. I don't see why she keeps doing it.
But other than that...seriously. Are you telling me you're really going to try to horde your organs when you're dead? And is money that fucking important that it's worth more to save yourself money than saving someone else's life?!