Originally posted by Flyndaran
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I don't post nearly as much as I used to, partly because I don't feel I have as much to say anymore, but also because I did get tired of having to go back and do so many "justifying" edits to my story to clear up that "race is relevant to this", "I don't actually believe this obvious exaggeration I used for humor", "I'm aware the other person had extenuating circumstances", "I'm aware this could be X condition" (which I know I've done before, but only in the cases where I really, truly thought that was the best explanation for what happened), etc.
Frankly, it's just not as much fun anymore to try and cover all my bases, rather than to just write creatively about that day's situation to try and entertain people. There was no big "report" moment, just a gradual wearing down of having to explain the joke over and over that finally has made me feel like I don't want to post anymore unless there's really some massive happening.
However, it might just be more frustrating for me than most people because I never SAW all the things that other people see, and I've had to learn all these rules and things about what's offensive. Just describing someone as being a black person is bad? Calling an overweight person overweight is bad? Saying someone is old is bad? I always just took those things as environment, setting of the players and stage, and now I know we're not supposed to visualize the players at all and just focus on the story, and honestly, I don't like that. I want to be able to see everything in my head as it happens and I have trouble if I don't have the characters on the set. Everything just looks like an XKCD comic. (And see, right here I immediately had the urge that I had to type "Don't get me wrong, I like XKCD", even though there should be no reason for me to have to say that. But I'm learning someone will get mad because they like XKCD and they think I'm insulting it just by pointing out that it's a stick-figure comic, which I'm NOT! All I'm saying is what it IS!)
Seriously, I'm pretty much making myself cry just writing this because it's so frustrating. You can't just TALK anymore, you have to tread around EVERYTHING. Nothing can be what it is, you can't acknowledge facts and truths about someone because it's wrong and that just doesn't make any sense to me!