Attention, guilty parties (and no, I don't think anyone on this or CS boards are guilty, this is in general)!
Ya'll are sitting in front of the same internet I am. Please check your spam emails for horseshit before sending them on to me. Thank you.
What bugs me is that the perps tend to be people I otherwise have a certain amount of respect for, are otherwise intelligent, or whatever. Yet they think voodoo happens when they use up a lot of bandwidth and hit "send".
They also think internet petitions are worth something. Not only that, but most of the petitions are for hoax issues.
Ya'll are sitting in front of the same internet I am. Please check your spam emails for horseshit before sending them on to me. Thank you.
What bugs me is that the perps tend to be people I otherwise have a certain amount of respect for, are otherwise intelligent, or whatever. Yet they think voodoo happens when they use up a lot of bandwidth and hit "send".
They also think internet petitions are worth something. Not only that, but most of the petitions are for hoax issues.
