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Creepy Stalkers, Jealous and Possessive Exes

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  • Creepy Stalkers, Jealous and Possessive Exes

    So it's 3 a.m., my wife and I returned from karaoke and I was sitting outside in the car waiting for the babysitter so I could take her home.

    <tap tap tap>

    I'm rather surprised because its 3 am and we live in a very rural area, but I roll the window down a little bit to see this big dumbass staring at me.

    "WHERE'S MARY!?" he demands, Mary being his ex. They broke up like 2 years ago.

    I try explaining to him that I A) have no fucking idea where Mary is, B) I don't care where Mary is, and C) It's not my responsibility to keep track of where Mary is because I'm not a completely fucking psychotic stalker! But unfortunately I don't speak whatever the hell caveman utterings that he does, so my protests fell on deaf ears.

    Still though. They split a long time ago. He needs to get over it. I should have flat out told him where Mary was so he could go over there and start some shit with her new ogre of a boyfriend. Ogre in a good way. It's like he's that dude from harry potter that lives with the animals and stuff.

  • #2
    Thank God none of my ex-boyfriends are like that. Then again, for a while my Ex-boyfriend S would send me these woe is me you broke my heart *cue the violins* emails to me once in a while. Long story short I dumped him for J, my *now* fiancé back in 2003. I showed one of those emails to J and he ripped S apart with his reply. Then fast forward to 2-3 years later, I get a message from S about how he and his fiancée found me on MySpace and was trying to friend me. I told him (many times) no out of respect for J until he finally got the hint.
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


    • #3
      I had a weird ex-friend who had the abysmal judgment to show up to my father's house at about midnight, while I still lived there.

      No call, no note, no warning whatsoever. There he was, sitting in the driveway in his car.

      He ended up jacked up against the wall of the house on one end of a rifle with my old man on the other end.

      He didn't come back after that.

      Looking back, I often wonder what in the Sam Hill that guy was up to. I have no idea if he was stalking, thinking about stalking, thinking about peeping, or what. But my old man had two teenage daughters and didn't play around.


      • #4
        But gunz r teh evilz!11!!!11!!


        • #5
          As my idiot ex-friend discovered.


          • #6
            I think that people like this really need to get over themselves and realize the fact that people aren't their property and may want to be with someone else.

            I would also extend this to:
            1. you broke up with me so I'm going to destroy your property or slander you to everyone
            2. I like you but I never told you and now you're seeing someone else so I'll be horrible to you and/or your significant other
            3. I didn't realize I liked you until you started seeing someone else.

            Basically any number of tv stereotypes.


            • #7
              My ex boyfriend and baby's daddy does not pay child support. He does however, sometimes, pay the cell phone bill for me.

              If he sees that I called a boy for any reason whatsoever, even my brother, he calls me a slut and tells me I'm a horrible mother and that he hopes I die.

              I live 1000 miles away from him.


              • #8
                Not an ex of mine, but my boyf had a jealous fruit loop of an ex who plagued us for a few years before she fucked off and got married. She basically went nuts and hysterically accused me of stealing her boyf off her, when they had been split up for six fucking years before I met him. -.- She kept ringing him up, til she rung up once when I happened to be there and I took his phone and told her to piss off; then she just sent texts. One saying she was going to turn up at my local and confront me. I texted her using my boyf's phone telling her that if she even tried, I'd get her thrown out cuz I know the landlord, all the staff and everyone who goes there, so they'd take my side. She never did show up, luckily... for her. I was that mad at her stalkerish behaviour, I could have easily ripped her head off.
                "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                • #9
                  I've posted about a stalker ex-girlfriend ("Beth") on CS before. That was back in 1994, during my freshman year of college. She seemed OK, but things soon turned "interesting..."

                  That is, her true colors came out. Mid-way through the year, I was helping another friend ("Martina") move. She'd had some issues with her roommate, and was moving into another dorm. Being a nice guy (who was *not* interested in her, BTW), I, along with a few other friends, loaded up the cars, and moved her crap after class one afternoon.

                  Anyway, after all her stuff was moved, some of us (Martina, some of the other residents, and I) were just chilling in the dorm lounge. Nothing going on, other than watching cartoons At least nothing was happening in our minds. Beth's mind...was another story. Seems that "Carl" had said that Martina was a bit "manipulative," and her imagination apparently ran wild. Imagine our surprise when Beth stormed into the place, and started accusing us of "going behind her back." Needless to say, that was the beginning of the end.

                  Not long after that, Beth started following me around campus I'd had her tail me through the parks more than once at night. At least I was able to disappear into the shadows and avoid her. Didn't stop the inevitable phone calls though. Nor did it stop her from coming over the night I got very sick...complete with puking my guts out.

                  The final straw came that January. Seems she was upset that I'd gone home over Christmas break, and had difficulty returning because of the weather. From what I understand, she spent the entire day sitting on the wall outside the dorm...waiting. Did I mention it was very cold that day?

                  I had to dump her. She was taking up too much of my time with her antics, and I'd had enough of the drama. Had to preserve what little was left of my sanity. Eventually, Beth met someone else, and things returned to normal. But, the Beth situation was pretty tame compared to what happened later...

                  That would have been Mandy. Or rather, Mandy's ex. This assclown couldn't get it through his skull that she wanted nothing to do with him. Before she met me, he'd apparently roughed her up and she'd dumped him. Not only was he abusive, but it wasn't long before his stalker tendencies came out. He'd actually been banned from campus--for months, he was following her around, and would sit across the street from whatever building she was in...occasionally taunting her through the windows!

                  Didn't stop when I was around either--he'd tail us when we went out. We'd be in a restaurant, theater, or just out for a walk...when he'd just show up. Granted, it was a small town, but still. The timing coincidence was just too much. Got so bad, we'd actually go into neighboring towns.

                  Then, it all tapered off for about a year. We were hoping he'd been arrested, or dead, but it started up again. This time, he was staking out her mother's place, and was usually seen in the alleys around town.

                  That was about the time I had a run-in with him. He'd been inadvertently invited to a party at her mother's place. (Don't ask, I don't know either.) The entire time, my then-gf was literally freaking out. But, I made the guy shit himself...

                  As we were cleaning up the dishes, I let it slip that if I found out he'd hurt her, or *was* hurting her...I'd kill him. As I said the last 3 words, I took the knife I was drying, and jammed it into the counter That asshole literally ran from the apartment, and was never seen again. Found out later that he'd gotten a 13-year-old pregnant, and was in jail on statutory charges.


                  • #10
                    Wow he sounds like a real winner Protege.

                    my friend who is now happily married with offspring used to live in a soap opera. At one time he was being stalked by both an ex girlfriend and the ex girlfriend of another exgirlfriend. I don't have all the stories but I do know the following things happened:

                    1. showed up at his apartment and started hitting him with a shoe
                    2. poored melted cheese in his shoes at a party
                    3. stole his Jayne hat (firefly touque)
                    4. came at him with a fork (or knife forget which)

                    It just amazes me the extent some people will go to over crap like this.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by gremcint View Post
                      I think that people like this really need to get over themselves and realize the fact that people aren't their property and may want to be with someone else.

                      I would also extend this to:
                      1. you broke up with me so I'm going to destroy your property or slander you to everyone
                      Destroying personal property is just wrong, but if someone wrongs you in some way like cheating on you, being abusive or mean or rotten, or whatever you call it, I think you have every right to make sure people know about it. Even if no one believes you or no one cares, you still gotta blow off a little steam. I once wrote a whole album worth of songs about one of my exes, and they weren't the "more than words" type of songs either.


                      • #12
                        please note the word: slander.


                        • #13
                          as long as you are being truthful in what you're saying, and you can prove the truth of it, it isn't slander.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by linguist View Post
                            as long as you are being truthful in what you're saying, and you can prove the truth of it, it isn't slander.
                            Depending on jurisdiction. For instance, in the UK, truth is not a defense against slander. Malice is all that has to be proven there.


                            • #15
                              I would imagine intent has something to do with it. If you're saying "She's a skanky ho!" because you just want to fuck with her, that's slander. If you say "She's a skanky ho!" because you want to prevent the spread of horrible infection diseases, well, you're just doing a public service!

