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Stuff that Grosses Me Out

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  • Stuff that Grosses Me Out

    The big one for me: Bad Teeth. Ew.

    I am meticulous about brushing and (usually) flossing. Despite living just above the poverty line I go to the dentist twice a year. Yes, it does cost a bit of money - $150 for the yearly dental visit w/ x-rays and $75 for the 6-month cleaning. But I see it as money well spent.

    There is this girl in one of my classes with the worst teeth I've ever seen on a young person. She is missing at least 3 teeth at the front of her mouth - and several others are turning black. BLACK. I can't imagine 1) the pain and 2) letting it get that bad...that is years of not taking care of your teeth. I'd let her go on the poverty excuse - but she has, easily, $500-$750 worth of ink on her upper arms. The bad thing is, that she seems like a very bright girl, and she brings up lots of good points. But I can barely stand to look at her because....ewww.

    On a completely unrelated note - I'm assistant directing The Glass Menagerie. One of the characters has a pronounced limp; her leg is deformed due to a childhood bout of polio. The actress playing that character asked me to help her find videos of polio survivors walking, so that she can figure out how pronounced to make her limp.

    There is a fetish for "polio legs". That's right...there are people out in the wide wide world who get their jollies from looking at people struggling to walk on deformed, atrophied legs. That literally made me sick to my stomach.

  • #2
    There are a lot of strange fetishes out there. For example, I can't believe there are people out there who actually get turned on by someone urinating on them. That's gross to me. Also, there was a guy in my city several months ago who was caught following young boys into public restrooms so that he could steal their urine and drink it. Unfortunately, I saw that on the local news shortly before dinnertime, and if I remember correctly, I didn't eat as much as I originally planned on eating.

    On a less disgusting note, I worry that I may fall into your "bad teeth" category to some extent. I brush at least twice a day as well as floss and rinse, and my teeth look pretty good, even if I do say so myself. However, it's now been almost three years since I've been to the dentist. Though I do have an appointment set up for October 7. So soon my teeth will be clean again. It's just that I've been neglecting that since I've been in grad school and have had to budget my money carefully.

    Some things that gross me out are

    1. Body odor. I can handle some things that make others squeamish, but this is intolerable.

    2. Bad table manners. I can't stand it when people belch at the table and do other gross things.


    • #3
      If I get something gross on my hands, I try to wash it off as soon as possible. I didn't like getting dirty even as a baby.


      • #4
        Dental health is overwhelmingly genetic, despite what dentists like to tell us.

        I didn't go to a dentist for over ten years, and my first check-up revealed that I had no cavities and very health gums. My brother has a crippling fear of dentists, and hasn't gone for longer than a decade. He has the most beautiful teeth; naturally white and straight.

        My boss has to take her two boys to the dentist four or five times a year, because of recurring tooth problems. Their father had a full set of dentures by the age of 25, because despite brushing, flossing, and constant dental work, his teeth had literally turned black and crumbled.

        So I wouldn't judge people too harshly on their teeth. It may not be their fault. Remember that acne was once considered a symptom of poor hygiene on the part of the sufferer, and we now know that's not true.


        • #5
          Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
          It's just that I've been neglecting that since I've been in grad school and have had to budget my money carefully.
          I understand that oh-so-well.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Boozy View Post
            Dental health is overwhelmingly genetic, despite what dentists like to tell us.
            i know this all too well, unfortunately. i floss daily, and brush and rinse at least twice a day, usually three times. i will admit, i don't visit the dentist nearly as often as i should, because i do have an overwhelming phobia of dentists, but last time i went earlier this year the dentist found 11 cavities as well as receding gums. from what my mom tells me of my father, he always had problems with his teeth despite doing everything he was supposed to to take care of them. last time i saw him about 10 years ago, he had lost several. i'm really hoping i can avoid that fate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Boozy View Post
              Dental health is overwhelmingly genetic, despite what dentists like to tell us.

              I didn't go to a dentist for over ten years, and my first check-up revealed that I had no cavities and very health gums. My brother has a crippling fear of dentists, and hasn't gone for longer than a decade. He has the most beautiful teeth; naturally white and straight.

              My boss has to take her two boys to the dentist four or five times a year, because of recurring tooth problems. Their father had a full set of dentures by the age of 25, because despite brushing, flossing, and constant dental work, his teeth had literally turned black and crumbled.

              So I wouldn't judge people too harshly on their teeth. It may not be their fault. Remember that acne was once considered a symptom of poor hygiene on the part of the sufferer, and we now know that's not true.
              I wish dentists would understand that. I'm still trumatized by a dentist telling me as a child, if I didn't brush my teeth properly based on their using some sort of safe chemical that made plaque show up, they'd change my flouride to another flavor. I already was nearly vomiting with the flavor I did have. It was like telling a child, "If you don't do x I'll force you to vomit" that's child abuse.


              • #8
                Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                There are a lot of strange fetishes out there. For example, I can't believe there are people out there who actually get turned on by someone urinating on them.
                Eh, that's not as bad as people who get off on others puking. Now THAT grosses me out.
                Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                  Eh, that's not as bad as people who get off on others puking. Now THAT grosses me out.
                  Or people that are into feces. *shudder*

                  BO grosses me out...and bad breath.

                  I hate when people with any of the aforementioned odor issues insist on leaning in reeeeeeaaaallly close when you are trying to help them. Seriously, I'm backing away from you because I am uncomfortable...stop trying to get closer!

                  Also I hate feet. Don't put them near me, please.
                  "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                  "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                    Or people that are into feces. *shudder*
                    2 girls 1 cup?
                    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AdminAssistant
                      There is a fetish for "polio legs".
                      There's a website called ""

                      Never made it through the first page... too scared.
                      The key to an open mind is understanding everything you know is wrong.

                      my blog
                      my brother's


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Boozy View Post

                        So I wouldn't judge people too harshly on their teeth. It may not be their fault. Remember that acne was once considered a symptom of poor hygiene on the part of the sufferer, and we now know that's not true.
                        This is true. When I was a kid, I had to take some kind of medication that left nasty stains on my teeth. I would often have kids at school approach me and ask me why I didn't brush my teeth. I did brush, it's just that the medicine left those stains on and they wouldn't come out with brushing alone. In ninth grade, my dentist gave me some teeth whitening stuff that managed to bleach those stains out.

                        I also have problems with tartar build-up, which is why I am dreading my upcoming dentist appointment somewhat (it got postponed to Thursday). At my previous dentist, it seemed like no matter how much I brushed and flossed, I always got lectures on how I wasn't taking good enough care of my teeth.

                        Fortunately, the tartar build-up is pretty much invisible to anyone who isn't looking for it. You probably woudn't guess it by looking at me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                          2 girls 1 cup?
                          *shudder* And I just managed to forget about when the then-not-ex pranked me with that...

                          One of the ER-reality shows I watch had a segment about a guy who claimed to have had his hand cut off by a was later revealed that he had hacked it off with a butcher knife due to some sort of amputee fetish.

                          Not much of the stuff that people come up surprises me anymore.

                          I generally take good care of my teeth, although I've been told I have receding gums due to not flossing well enough (admittedly I can't remember to floss every single day, but when I do I like to think I'm thorough).
                          "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                          • #14
                            Very few things gross me out.
                            Anyone spitting makes me want to vomit, yet I wouldn't be grossed out if someone vomited right in front of me.

                            As to fetishes, there is no concept that is not a fetish to someone. Animal abuse, vomit, scat, urine, stump, dwarf, covered in chocolate, robot, machinery, old people, children, teens, gay, hetero, missionary, oral, anal, colostomy hole..
                            Your kink is my horror, and vice versa.


                            • #15
                              Mucus and phlegm. Ugh, just...ugh. Bad Acne. It's a HUGE turn off to me to see guys that have really bad acne, especially on their face and they have a crap ton of zits with the white stuff that look ready to pop. *puke*
                              There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...

