I got the idea reading a few threads and honestly this bugs me to death.
Autism is a neurological disorder that sometimes makes it hard to understand social situations, among other things. That said, there is also a rise in Autism and Asperger cases in the US (a rant for another day actually). So it stands to reason that more people would understand how to teach their children how to act in public and be able to explain it in a way that can be processed by a brain that is basically wired differently, right?
Boy is that proven wrong, ignoring the fact that a lot of parents with neuro-typical children fail to teach manners, many parents use the autism as a reason for the kids behavior. Kid screaming in a mall "Oh he doesn't know any better, he is autistic" Kid stealing from another child, same excuse and so on. I makes me NUTS to see these kids who are high functioning or even low functioning get away with this when most of the parents I grew up with, including my own DID NOT LET THE CHILD GET AWAY WITH MURDER (figuratively of course) they would get the child out of the area to deal with later or correct the behavior in the best possible way. They did not brush it off with the disability, they owned up and fixed the problem as best they could!
Another issue is people who are diagnosed later on that do the same thing for themselves. They will lick people (heard about a case), act badly, be rude and gross, loud, nasty, moody and spoiled if they don't get their way. If confronted they say "well I am an aspie/autistic person so I can't help it" BULLSHIT!!! I am autistic and know how to behave around people, its not an excuse to act like a fucking ill behaved gutter dweller, its a reason to TRY HARDER TO KNOW HOW TO ACT. It makes the rest of us look bad. Oh and don't try and use it as a sympathy ploy either around me. I have seen this too, but I got a newsflash, EVERYONE HAS A HARD TIME IN LIFE! That is basically what life is, ups and downs and the downs tend to suck.
just had to get that off my chest, its been bugging me for years
Autism is a neurological disorder that sometimes makes it hard to understand social situations, among other things. That said, there is also a rise in Autism and Asperger cases in the US (a rant for another day actually). So it stands to reason that more people would understand how to teach their children how to act in public and be able to explain it in a way that can be processed by a brain that is basically wired differently, right?
Boy is that proven wrong, ignoring the fact that a lot of parents with neuro-typical children fail to teach manners, many parents use the autism as a reason for the kids behavior. Kid screaming in a mall "Oh he doesn't know any better, he is autistic" Kid stealing from another child, same excuse and so on. I makes me NUTS to see these kids who are high functioning or even low functioning get away with this when most of the parents I grew up with, including my own DID NOT LET THE CHILD GET AWAY WITH MURDER (figuratively of course) they would get the child out of the area to deal with later or correct the behavior in the best possible way. They did not brush it off with the disability, they owned up and fixed the problem as best they could!
Another issue is people who are diagnosed later on that do the same thing for themselves. They will lick people (heard about a case), act badly, be rude and gross, loud, nasty, moody and spoiled if they don't get their way. If confronted they say "well I am an aspie/autistic person so I can't help it" BULLSHIT!!! I am autistic and know how to behave around people, its not an excuse to act like a fucking ill behaved gutter dweller, its a reason to TRY HARDER TO KNOW HOW TO ACT. It makes the rest of us look bad. Oh and don't try and use it as a sympathy ploy either around me. I have seen this too, but I got a newsflash, EVERYONE HAS A HARD TIME IN LIFE! That is basically what life is, ups and downs and the downs tend to suck.
just had to get that off my chest, its been bugging me for years