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People who can't wait 1 minute

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  • People who can't wait 1 minute

    I work in small 1 person stores, so there are times where we have to lock the door, whether it's to take out the trash, go to the bathroom, etc. Aways it's less than 2 minutes. And sometimes I mean you could be walking to the door, they can see you coming to the door and yet they'll still get in their car and drive 5 minutes out of their way to go to the next store?

    It really pisses me off that people are either that much in a rush or expect us to never need to lock the door for anything.

  • #2
    I hated that! I had people that literally banged on the glass doors with their fists yelling to be let in. I'm sorry but if you're acting up that much, you don't get to come in, safety first after all.

    The maglock is a wonderful thing.


    • #3
      I get people like that at the petrol station; they're the people who do the following:

      1. Wave a note at me and bellow out their pump number, cuz they feel they're too important to stand in line. I ignore these people.

      2. Demand that I put thru their petrol before it's gone in. I can't do this, cuz just cuz their girlf is supposedly putting in a fiver, how do I know she won't go over?

      3. Bang on the window if the pump isn't authorised instantly. I also can't authorise it if the customer is not holding the pump, so it will take even longer now, genius!
      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

