There are some books,plays etc. that when you simply, not bashing, insulting, or mocking but just say, "I didn't like it" people act like you just burned the American Flag while defiling George Washington's grave.
Most common books that get me this treatment.
I didn't like Dune. I am told for a geek this is apparently Blasphemy.
I thought Tom Sawyer was good but didn't like anything else that Twain wrote, oh and he wrote under the name Twain I don't think it makes people sound smarter when they insist on using Clemens to show they know what his real name was.
Shakespeare while having great storylines the original wording is thick and difficult to read without cliff notes.
Anyone else ever get this people jumping on you because how dare you not like such and such?
Most common books that get me this treatment.
I didn't like Dune. I am told for a geek this is apparently Blasphemy.
I thought Tom Sawyer was good but didn't like anything else that Twain wrote, oh and he wrote under the name Twain I don't think it makes people sound smarter when they insist on using Clemens to show they know what his real name was.
Shakespeare while having great storylines the original wording is thick and difficult to read without cliff notes.
Anyone else ever get this people jumping on you because how dare you not like such and such?