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Yes I am still a geek

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  • Yes I am still a geek

    Just because I don't like the following


    Magic (or any similar card style roleplaying game, will play munchkin if coerced)

    Babylon 5



    Does not mean I am not a geek, I love the following

    Star Trek

    Scifi and fantasy novels

    Video games

    and yes I know my way around a computer

    Stop treating me like I am an idiot if I don't like something that "all geeks should love"

    Stop treating me like I don't know how to use a computer because, "otherwise you would have an uber computer" I am smart enough to know I would rather buy a 400 dollar laptop that fills my needs more than adaquetly than a 2000 dollar powerhouse that has more on board memory than I need.

    I have been a geek for more years than you. I was on the internet when you were in kindergarten so back off and stop underestimating me or I will go Lawnmower man on you!
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
    so back off and stop underestimating me or I will go Lawnmower man on you!
    And that right there, now days will get blank stares from "geeks" damn young'ns.
    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
      And that right there, now days will get blank stares from "geeks" damn young'ns.
      I know. *sighs* It's sad even some of the things that are "Awesome" to them they don't know much about at times.
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        I don't watch Stargate. Guess I'm not a geek then.

        You could always say that they're not real geeks if they don't know how to use MS-DOS. Or can't program a computer. Or....whatever.

        Geekdom is big enough for lots of kinds of geeks, I'm sure. I'm sorry some people are competing for the title of "real geek".

        I deliberately chose not to study computer programming in college. Still a geek.

        Geekiness is a state of mind.
        Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 12-04-2009, 10:31 AM. Reason: making sense is cool, really...


        • #5
          Today there's so many times of geeks though. I'm a stargate fan, but don't like star trek, or dune. My computers aren't top of the line, although I do now have 5 functioning computers. But I must say that I love working on nice computers. (Just serviced a top of the line apple mac book pro, I had trouble not drooling on it :P )
          However I'm also a metalhead, which I dunno is super ungeeky I think.


          • #6
            Metal is pretty ungeeky, I'd say.
            However, I'm pretty sure that you can be a geek about metal. You could get really academic about the chord structure or something.

            I myself would love to have 5 computers. LOVE it.


            • #7
              At one point I had three computers set up all running different programs for me. At this point though I have condensed all of my multimedia needs into my one laptop. Only even need a TV for VHS tapes and my gaming consoles.
              Jack Faire


              • #8
                I know nothing about computers.

                Magic and other card playing CCGs are not "real" role playing.

                I can and will play Dungeons & Dragons (and yes, I'm a real girl).

                I <3 Star Trek, but I don't like Dune nor do I like Star Wars.

                I like Stargate: SG1, but the other 2, I never really got into.

                I love to read, and have 7 bookcases, mainly consisting of Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Comic Book TPBs (with some romance and children's books thrown in for good measure).

                I do not play Computer MMO's or any other computer/video game role playing games.

                The only computer games I do play are puzzle and hidden object games.
                Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                  I have been a geek for more years than you. I was on the internet when you were in kindergarten so back off and stop underestimating me or I will go Lawnmower man on you!
                  What is it about the "geek" label that is so important to you?

                  Why can't you just be "jackfaire, a man with various likes and dislikes."


                  • #10
                    I love how in some people's minds there seems to be a checklist of what makes you geeky or not. Oh, don't like this show? Then there's no way you are a geek. Some stuff is just plain more than a checklist


                    • #11
                      I'm a Ph.D. student. I'm pretty sure that makes me a professional geek. But I'm in the arts, so I'm a special brand - a theatre geek. I don't know a damn thing about computers, except how to use one. I don't like live-action RPG's (although I will play video game versions, Super Mario RPG!!!!). I don't play video games all that much and I don't watch a lot of sci-fi.

                      I think that's one of the reasons why the last guy I was dating broke things off, I wasn't stereotypically geeky enough for him. *shrug* Whatevah, I do what I want! You have Star Trek, and I'll take Hugo. I guess I'm lucky in that most of my friends are also academic and history geeks, so we all geek out together.


                      • #12
                        I used to like Dune, until I read the entire series. Or most of it, it got too weird at book five, and I never could force myself to read book 6.
                        And I've never gotten into any of the "SYFY" original series, except for farscape. I couldn't believe the shock and awe people used to give me for not liking Battlestar Galactica.
                        I never got into Babylon 5 either. Maybe you should just string me up now I'm just now starting to get into Dr Who, for Pete's sake.

                        But my giant Transformers collection tesifies to my geekiness.


                        • #13
                          You know the funny thing is here's how I look at being geeky.

                          You're not geeky if you're response to what kind of computer you have is "A dell"
                          You're not a geek if you're response is A dell with a "Studio XPS 8000, IntelĀ® Core™ i5-750 with 4 gigs of ram.
                          You're a geek when you actually read off this about your computer "MAINGEAR F1X 750 Gaming PC - Intel Core i7 975 Extreme Edition, 12GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, 1TB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295, Water-cooled, Blu-ray RW, DVDRW, Vista Home Premium 64-bit"

                          But you know the funny thing is there's no such thing as a car geek yet I know people that can rifle off everything underneath the hood of their car. They're called car buffs.

                          How'd that work out?


                          • #14
                            Uhg I hate that.

                            There are lots of different geeks out there! I don't think any one would deny that hearing a classroom full of people arguing over widows and orphans (the typography terms) are mildly geeky.

                            Besides who needs a label, I like lots of things, some just happen to fall into the "geek" category, just like some fall into the uber-girly category etc.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                              Besides who needs a label, I like lots of things, some just happen to fall into the "geek" category, just like some fall into the uber-girly category etc.
                              Your right and it isn't that I care so much about the label more the people I know who are well if your not (insert topic you should be loving here) your not a geek and if your not a geek you are a technological moron who doesn't know the first thing about the tech you own so let me teach you all about it.
                              Jack Faire

