Just because I don't like the following
Magic (or any similar card style roleplaying game, will play munchkin if coerced)
Babylon 5
Does not mean I am not a geek, I love the following
Star Trek
Scifi and fantasy novels
Video games
and yes I know my way around a computer
Stop treating me like I am an idiot if I don't like something that "all geeks should love"
Stop treating me like I don't know how to use a computer because, "otherwise you would have an uber computer" I am smart enough to know I would rather buy a 400 dollar laptop that fills my needs more than adaquetly than a 2000 dollar powerhouse that has more on board memory than I need.
I have been a geek for more years than you. I was on the internet when you were in kindergarten so back off and stop underestimating me or I will go Lawnmower man on you!
Magic (or any similar card style roleplaying game, will play munchkin if coerced)
Babylon 5
Does not mean I am not a geek, I love the following
Star Trek
Scifi and fantasy novels
Video games
and yes I know my way around a computer
Stop treating me like I am an idiot if I don't like something that "all geeks should love"
Stop treating me like I don't know how to use a computer because, "otherwise you would have an uber computer" I am smart enough to know I would rather buy a 400 dollar laptop that fills my needs more than adaquetly than a 2000 dollar powerhouse that has more on board memory than I need.
I have been a geek for more years than you. I was on the internet when you were in kindergarten so back off and stop underestimating me or I will go Lawnmower man on you!