If I hear "oh you don't have to worry she will be fine. You're just being paranoid." One more freaking time I am just going to flipping deck the brainless fucktwit.
That ranks up there with..
1 It can't hurt that bad...
2 oh you're not disabled why are you using a chair...
3 Oh you don't need depression medicine you should be happy your about to have a baby...
4 How can you say it has been the worst year of your life your baby will be here soon.....

1 I have a condition that my hips naturally pop out of socket... add in that the ligaments loosen up during pregnancy equals I am in almost constant pain if I am up walking. Walking the 10 feet to the bathroom can make me cry some days.
2 One yes I am disabled, but please see 1. It feels something like a non limber guy did the splits on ice and then someone kicked him in the nuts with spiked steel toe boots. You try walking through a large flipping store feeling like you were used for a god damn wish bone.
3. Yes I do need the medicine... trust me it is. It is so I dont lay in bed like a flipping lump and I dont kill morons.
4. Yes it has been the worst year of my life... I lost my son.. we had to watch him die... knowing that we couldnt do jack shit... and while I am happy that we are haveing another baby it is not a fucking replacement.. and the 31 about a week after she arrives would have been her brothers first bday.
So every year I am going to be thankful she is here and try not to let my depression ruin her season. then on the 18th of Jan I will always remember I am the one that told the doc to pull the plug on my son. And I held him as he tried to breath and died in my arms... the only time I got to hold my son was as he died... So yes this year has been the worst in my life. Not to mention that I almost bled to death while trying to deal with my son.
Why do people think that because something good is happening it erases all the bad. Or that just because they dont need medicine you should be able to get over it... arrrrrrrrg why are people such fucktards.... And so help me if another person tells me god needed another angel.. I am going to be going to jail... my god is not a sadistic fucker that would take my child to make an angel when he could blink and have a bajillion.
Sorry I had to get this out... I just dont understand... really... what the hell is wrong with people... If you do not know what to say.. then just say I am sorry... but don't spout cliches and stupid shit.. I dont mind advice on how others work with their depression... but dont tell me I am stupid for taking meds...